Nitrogen Excess Recovery: Do Leaves Flatten Out


Active Member
I have a plant that had too much nitrogen in the medium (soil-less medium) and want to know what to expect after the nitrogen level is normalized. Will leaves that grew curled under return to a flat fanleaf shape or will they remain curled under?


Junior Creatologist
did they get crispy? if so the leaves that crisped up are fucked. If they are still soft and alive(lol), then they should correct themselves, just like any other living organism would get better after being sick for a while.


Active Member
thanks for your quick feedback! the leaves are still alive and supple, no crispiness at all. the leaves at the ends of the fan are flat and the three pointing directly away from the stem are curled under. new leaves are flatter. i don't want to overcorrect the problem and get a nitro deficit, so i am wondering whether i should just let it work itself out? however it is growing pretty fast and seems like it is getting a bit floppy. i don't have a decent meter yet (ordered a hanna 3-way meter today), so i'm reluctant to flush it and refertilize right now.


Junior Creatologist
i mean, IMHO, as far as flushing your plant now, theres no real harm in doing that, worst that can really happen is that you will end up feeding your plant pure water for a week while your waiting for your meter to see whats up. But thats your desicion to make man. what nutes are you using? whats the ratio??