Nitrogen deficincy? need help, or quick reply


Active Member
Hi guys, i have a few plants here, there 6 weeks into flowering, i have seen a small deficiency in my plants in the last 2 weeks, but its getting pretty bad at the min, i think its a nitrogen deficiency im not sure thats why im asking here. Im using Plagron alga-grow for veg, and the alga-bloom for flower, i was using plagron light mix soil as recommended by the grow shop. i have been feeding small mixtures it says 4ml per LT, i have been using 2ml, and flushing every 3-4 days to be safe. what am i doing wrong? could it be a heat issue ether? heres a few pics, tell me what youse think



Active Member
Are you using a calmag supliment? Roots could be locking
no, i never heard of it before, i live in ireland.
is there any other source for nitrogen, do u think the roots been locked would cause that, there in big enuf pots and i never really had a problem with them before


Well-Known Member
I dont think its nitrogen def. as far as I know that is what veg is for is to build up a large supply of food using N then during flowering the stored up food is used to make the plant flower. But cal/mag means calcium magnesium. Some times not all nutes have enuf calcium and mag for the plants I usually add dolomite lime to my soil before I do anything, but I use foxfarms ocean forest, haven't tried the stuff ur using so not sure. But u could add a small amount of epson salt to ur water for the plants next time that is the quickest way to get ur plants some cal/mag if i remember correctly.
What temperature is your room, min and max? That soil you are using I am not familiar with. Does it contain nutrients, and if so which ones and how much? More info is always good.



Active Member
What temperature is your room, min and max? That soil you are using I am not familiar with. Does it contain nutrients, and if so which ones and how much? More info is always good.

its not me that has the grow, its a friend, they have no thermometer but the room does be warm enough in the daytime, the soil been used is Plagron Light mix, it has built in nutrients for the first week, im not sure if its available over in the states, i dont have the bag here with me so i cant really tell you whats in it, but the guy in the grow shop said it would be the best.

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
Looks like a Potassium deficiency too me......
Stop flushing every 3 or 4 days and feed them full strength. Being 6 weeks into flower its most likely going to affect your yield and quality......
Hi Guys 1st post, longtime lurker. I have same issues as darren on both my grows so far. This time 2nd week in flower. Im in biobizz lite soil, under 125WCFL and 90W LED using hesi nutes. I noticed on the sticky charts this looks like Advanced P-Def? Anyone comment? I flush weekly and its not pH. My tap water is 7.4, but I always adjust using Citric Acid EP to 6.6-6.8 using my pH meter at work. This is accurate to 0.05 of a unit. I've tried upping the hesi P-K bloom, I've tried cal-mag. I've tried upping super vit. Nothing seems to do it. My temps can peak to 26-28 if its a hot day outside (London - that isn't often), but gen 20-24. Anyone suggest another route to recovery?


Active Member
il be trying the Epsom salts tomorrow, would 1/4 teaspoon per gal work right? reading a blog and thats what was been used, i just dont want to risk burning plants.. when i had my own plants, i always give them a flush every few days with no problems, just to stop the risk of build up.

@Infidellium if you have any progress keep me posted, il post some pictures back here if i have some recovery


Active Member
Quick reply, im going to try give them a small dose of mollases, boost the potassium, maybe start giving them mollases instead of flushing

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
Unless you have a pretty active micro herd in your medium then the potassium wont be available to the plants. Molasses could cause more harm than good. I would do a bunch of research on molasses and container growing before using it if I were you. Research gardening sites along with cannabis forums to get the full picture. Just feeding them a nice rounded diet at about a 2-1-3 ratio would do them well. EWC tea along with their nutes would do them wonders I bet......


Active Member
well im back again,
the plants havnt changed much in a week and a half, hear is some pictures. have been feeding them molasses instead of the Epsom salts, i thought the molasses would have been easier on the plants than the salts, could it be a different deficiency or , should i just give them more of the flowering nutes, here is a pic of the nutes the red bottle is the one i am using at the min, as well as the brochure i got with the soil.

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Well-Known Member
Have never had mag deficiency at this point in flower.

I would probably mix epsom salt at 1-2 tablespoons per gallon and give a good drench.

It's not like your damaged leaves are going to turn green all of the sudden. But the plant might appreciate it.

I really shouldn't be giving epsom salt rec's, as i have never used it. But, you have no access to cal mag. So it's my best guess.


Active Member
Here's my suggestion... Flush one more good time. Make sure you use 3 gallons of Ph Balanced water for each gallon of pot size you have, and a flushing aid if those are available where you are. Fox Farm makes one called Sledge Hammer, Advanced Nutrients makes one called Final Phase, and there's also Royal Flush just to name a few. Basically if you have the plants in 3 gallon pots, they would need to be flushed with 9 gallons of water to ensure that they are nice and clean. Also - regarding your Ph, I would knock it down to about 6.3 if you're in soil. Instead of trying to add this, or add that, I would do the exact opposite. Your plants will live with plain ole PH Balanced water - rain, distilled, tap, filtered, or reverse osmosis. Just keep it simple. When you get to the last gallon of water you're going to flush with, use about 1 ML of Cal/Mag to replenish the soil. From there you can try process of elimination to see which of your additives or fertilizers is causing the problem. Add a SMALL amount of the fertilizer you've been using and see if the condition re-appears. If so, you've found your culprit. Also - make sure you are feeding, then plain water, feed, then plain water and repeat. It will help to keep salts from building up in the first place, which are the cause of most defficiencies and lockout problems. If nothing else, just give her plain water through the end of the grow. That's how it grows in the wild. You may not get the biggest buds, but they will be practically chemical free, and you won't kill your plant before harvest time by doing whatever you are right now.

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
You may just have a true lock out situation going on. Yes the molasses contains calcium and magnesium unfortunately neither from molasses are or really ever become available to the plant. Instead they just set and build up in the medium. From the recent pics I would say you have locked out potassium with too much Calcium...


Active Member
thanks for all the replys :D
i just dont have good knowledge of deficiencys, its not my grow rather its a friends, but we all learn from these mistakes!.
im going back to start the flushing tomorrow and il take a visit the grow shop and see what they got, il post back with some results in a couple of days


Well-Known Member
Mg is absorbed in soil at PH 6.5 and above. Too much of it would lock out the primaries. In this case it looks quite extreme. Mg doesn't like wet acidic soil either. Must be time to flush now. Keep the PH towards the higher end of 7.0. Take off 50% damaged leaves.