nitrogen deficient?


Well-Known Member
New growth seems to have chlorosis and small leaves. It appears like its yellowing slightly but im not sure. My guess was nitrogen deficiency but id like some expertise advice.

Soil : fox farm ocean forest
Clones are about a week old

Used a very very mild nutrient solution from fox farm feeding schedule but forgot to use grow big. I added that in after and lightly watered. This was their first feeding since watering with mild calmag and foliar spray with nitrozime.
The growth looked good until a few days ago. Where the leaves seemed thin.

Average temps 75-83. Rh 60

Runoff from watering 6.5 ph

Just watered before pics

Lighting 8 lamp t5 about 10" fr9m plants

Soil has been dried out in between waterings

If any more info is needed let me know . Thanks



Well-Known Member
I can help. The short answer is: They're being over watered.

First, get them out of your beer cups. Those cups are much too small. Because of the small cup size, your root growth is restricted, you don't want that.

A disproportionate root to foliage ratio will give you incorrect indicators as to when and how much water they need. In other words, you poke your finger in the cups and say, "feels dry, time to water.", but in fact, they're getting too much water. At their size, you should only need to water them once every 4-5 days(if using high wattage halides, less frequent if you're under floros), which can be achieved if you provide a large enough container for the roots to do their thing.


Well-Known Member
I had that issue not to long ago. Look closely on the underside of the leaves, get a scope and you'll see your issues. :o


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info. This is spot on..feels dry, time to water.", but in fact, they're getting too much water. Those solo cups are drying out quick eo the soil is almost cracking and bone dry when we go to water every 2-3 days. Im gonna transplant them into larger containera. Thanks for help