nitrogen deficiency??


Active Member
This is my first outdoor grow. Plants are all showing preflowerd. Ive identified three females and 2 males so far. Im noticing in the last few weeks that most of the plants have yellowing and dying leaves on bottom.Its spreading up too fast for comfort. Throughout this grow i lightly fertilized every few weeks (coulda used more) transplanted most of them in the last 10days and gave them almost a full dose of veg fert. No improvement. I should mention that they were rootbound before transplant and the roots may also be getting too hot in the grow bags. The watering werent the most regular and soil moisture levels werent always optimal...old grow bags dried often.These plants are beginning to flower so im getting excited and want to harvest. Any thoughts on these dying leaves woild be appreciated ..



Well-Known Member
Did u transplant them in the miracle grow? Is that miracle grow organic or potting soil? Any idea what your ph is at? Not really enough infor to form an opinion.


Active Member
Did u transplant them in the miracle grow? Is that miracle grow organic or potting soil? Any idea what your ph is at? Not really enough infor to form an opinion.
Never were in miracle grow. Started them in jiffy seed starter with no added nutes for a month. Transplanted to one gallon of jiffy seed starter with epsoma organic fert added in at a quarter of recomended anount. ( npk 5-3-3) once every week or week and a half i fertilized with miracle grow veg nutes at quarter strength..also topp dresses with epsoma fert every other week at about quarter strength. Were root bound in the gallon containers for a while maybe. Transplanted into 3 -4 gallons of Promix with about quarter strength epsoma mixed in and gave about 3/4 strength dose of the liquid miracle grow fert about a week or so ago. No change. Leavrs are yellowing at the bottom almost as fast or as fast as new growth is coming from top of plant. .