nitrogen deficiency


Active Member
i beileve my seedlings have this problem READY! and i and want to nut em to early and kill em....should i just let nautre take its course and it will fix itself?
:peace: nd much love


Active Member
If you rollover/reuse your soil: you might see stretch in your seedlings from left over nutrients. Live and learn. So take a guess at what is wrong and apply a fix. Drinking blue MG will not kill you or the plant if you use piss/urine properly. Keep your lights very close but do not burn to prevent stretch. I only recommend what has worked for me.


Active Member
its not reused soil. and what do yuh mean stretch from left over nutrients from my seeds plz explain.


Active Member
has anyone used the soil called square foot gardening soil? its 1/3 peat moss/coir 1/3 vermiculite and 1/3 blend compost amd the blend compost is made up of forest wood byproducts compost, and green-cycled compost, animal manure based compost,poultry compost, and mushroom compost(mushroom compost blended with bat guano, worm castings, blood meal, bone meal,kelp meal cottonseed meal,and alfalfa meal)