Nitrogen Deficiency?


Hello, new grower here. Trying to centralize the cause of this deficiency. Have some other ladies that are showing signs of what could be nute burn, or what I thought was light burn. Any insight would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Looks like over or under watering but I'm a newbie also. More info is needed. Folks here are gonna want to know at least what soil, nutes, lighting, watering schedule, etc to help sort out the issue.


4th pic looks like a start of a K def. edges starting to burn.

1st looks like magnesium as it’s interveinal chlorosis.

Plants most likely hungry if you aren’t supplying these things already.
Thanks for the info. Have been feeding lightly, cal mag and tiger bloom. Would you recommend big bloom and tiger together? Just ran a runoff ph test, came out to 5.5 on most. Was hoping it wasn’t a ph issue, thought maybe it could have even been mistaken for light burn? 1st grow on my end. Thanks again.