Nitrogen deficiency question


Well-Known Member
Given that nitrogen is a mobile element and capable of travelling around the plant, you would not expect yellowing of the new growth only while the older fan leaves remain very healthy looking to be a symptom of nitrogen def right?


Well-Known Member
Nitrogen deficiency typically effects older growth, but if it gets out of hand can turn every leaf on your plant yellow and they die. If your older growth is a nice green color and your newer growth is a lime green almost yellow color. Then there is nothing to worry about. This typically means your plant is about to have a serious growth spurt.


Well-Known Member
If you do have a nitrogean def then it will normaly show on the older leaves.If you still have plenty of vegging time left then get hold of some bio bizz all mix this sorted the same problem out for me.Also if it starts from the inside of a leave and works it's way out then it could be zinc or pattassiam.


Well-Known Member
Not potassium - that generally affects older leaves first. I don't think its zinc because apparently zinc issues are similar but are accompanied by twisting of the leaves...

I think what i actually have is a manganese deficiency. The leaves on the new growth only are going yellow, starting at the base of the leaf and spreading out.