Nirvana's Papaya 400w MH grow.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
i have orange bud and super silver haze first sucsessful order so these seeds cost around 10.00 ea bean so believe me im hoping for at least one male in ea . im making seeds

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
I just ordered Hindu Kush from Nirvana. I told you I would change my mind. Hopefully they get here. I ordered from them last time so I went with them. We'll see how it goes.

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
Just another quick update. Had to lower the shelf again today. They are really getting tall now. The tallest one is now 23" and the other is about 19". I used milk crates to spread out the plants a little bit so they aren't so close together and let the lower buds get some more light. I plan on making a flowering tub out of a rubbermaid tub for when my hindu kush seeds get here. I'll be working on that later tonight probably. I am going to use the light hood from my AG to grow the seedlings. I put up some pics of my girls for you to check out.




Well-Known Member
looking good douche, i smoked a bit of mine tonight. you'll like it. don't leave em alone.... lol

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
Are you using ceiling tiles for walls???

Yea. My house was built in1956 and there was only thin boards on the inside walls of the closets. There is a closet in the other bedroom right next to mine and the light comes through the cracks in the boards. I threw it together one day with extra crap I had laying around. Everything I've used has been super cheap or free.

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
I forgot to mention that I cut four lower branches and stuck them in some water to see if roots will show up. They were barely flowering anyway so I think its not too late to give it a try.

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
Everything is still going as normal here. Buds are developing nicely. Today is the 3rd week of flowering. its been 21 days exactly. The clones are still alive although I see no sign of anything on the ends. Hopefully some roots will show up. I'll keep adding water till they either die or root. I started to germ my new seeds 24hrs ago and 8 of them have cracked so far. It looks like the other 2 are on their way. I'm still not sure if the girls are moving along average speed or what. Its all new to me. I am sure a lot will happen in the next 5 weeks or so that is left for them. There you go. Till next time.:leaf:




Well-Known Member
they look great for week 3, the next few weeks will be exciting as the buds build mass. Cant wait too see


Well-Known Member
Well now I will be tuning in.

Hi Douche.

haha, I've always been looking at Nirvana's papaya because
the description they had for it seemed nice...

i'm not growing yet, but I'm definitely looking forward to it.

how's the smell? is it sweet?

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
The smell is getting nice now. It isn't real strong yet but you can definately tell. The closet is in my bedroom so I'll get a good wiff of it at night sometimes. When I move the plants arond and touch the stems the smell stays on my fingers forever and I catch myself sitting there with my fingers under my nose. Thanks for checking in and keep an eye out for the next few weeks, I'm sure some big changes are on the way.


Well-Known Member
hell yeah douchce!!!! playing stink finger with your girls. the smell is awesome. mine are coming back better than what i thought they would.

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
I'm glad they are coming back. If I can't kill these Papaya than you have nothing to worry about.:-o I germed all of my new kush and they all cracked and are in the dirt. I always forget how long it takes for them to start popping out of the dirt so I'll be like a nervous male penguin waitng for them to hatch.


Well-Known Member
my mentor on my first grow recommended papaya because of how tuff it was, she lead me down the right road

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
Some more pics. I have noticed a difference in the plants as the flowering moves along. One of the plants is shorter than the other one but the buds are a lot more dense. The other is taller but there is a definate difference in the spacing of the growths. Maybe thats the MH. Who knows. They are all looking really healthy still and Haven't required any real work. The occasional move and rotate and pull dead leaves off the bottom. All of the Hindus have poked up through the soil this morning. I stuck them in my new little vegging cab that I threw together with some cfl's inside. It can grow them to about 10" or so and then I need to either raise up the cab a little or flower from 10". I think with these I will try a different topping technique. I saw it on a thread from Uncle Ben. He said to grow it up to the fourth node like usual but instead of cutting just above there, Cut down just above the 2nd node. It makes 4 nice colas that way. Plus if I mark the cuttings and clone those into flower I can tell sex fairly quickly. Just a thought. I am sort of typing this out while I think so who knows what I'll do after all. Well there you go. Hopefully the Papayas get nice and fat and the buds thicken up. I'm sure it will fill out nicely in the days to come.


