Nirvana's Papaya 400w MH grow.


Well-Known Member
Hey man...I'm doing the same kind of grow. I have a 400w and I'm growing Papaya's too. I have 5 of them right now.


Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
I am up northern NH. I'm glad to see there is a few people with the same kind of grows with the same lighting. hopefully we all do good with it.


Junior Creatologist
your off to a great start bro. I just ordered some Nirvana Papaya my damn self man, nuggets look too fuckin tasty to pass up, lol. Ill be keepin track of this one man *subscribed*


Active Member
You guys keep talking about this Papaya plant .. I'm going to have to grab a pack of those seeds.

But question is about your lighting. Are you not worried about fluffy buds? Isn't there anything you can do to give your ladies some red spectrumlight during flowering? Makes the buds more dense. I personally made my light from product at the local Lowe's hardware store, just some advice.

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
I was given the MH set up by a buddy of mine and I don't have the cash for a hps conversion bulb for it so I'm going to try it just with the MH all the way through. Although it is a little fluffier than with an hps, I have read that the THC content is a little higher in a plant that was flowered with MH, so maybe it works out even. It will all be for me anyway so I'm not really worried about bag weight. I would love a hps but no funds. We'll try it like this and see how it works out. Its still better than a cfl. I'm going to pick up some Blueberry weed from a buddy today so I'll have some good shit finally. Later.

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
Figured I would check in. The plants are looking good still and seem to be getting bigger. They look green a and healthy. One is a lot greener than the others but All of them are looking good. The one that I saved from the Aerogarden is very slow but I am seeing progress. I topped it about a week ago maybe and it has taken a while but I am seeing shutes coming up from it. The weed my buddy got wasn't blueberry. Iwas a little upset but oh well. It was really good sensi though with nice colors but it had been vacuum packed at one time and was like a brick. Still works though. I'll get some more pictures up when there is more of a change. Later.

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
I'll probably get to taking pics this weekend. Happy thanksgiving everyone and take care of yourselves this weekend. Oh yeah, take care of your plants too.


Well-Known Member
You take care too.

I just took care of my babies before my trip. They all got a Grow Big watering, etc etc.

I can't wait to see your pics this upcoming weekend....I'll have some new ones for you too when I get back.

Be safe.

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
I took a few pictures of the kids. They are looking great. I don't see any signs of nute or water problems. I've been letting the soil get nice and dry before I give them a drink. The plant that I topped is looking really good now and there is definate growth of 4 shoots coming out of the top. They seem to be speeding up now with changes to them every time I look at them. I just can't wait for these damn plants to grow. I hope everyone had a great thanksgiving and will talk to ya later.



Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
I got bored earlier and decided to do a little expirement with the plant I saved. I made a few metal hooks and took one for now and started to do LST (Low Stress Training). I have never done it before so I figured what the hell. That plant has made through all my other abuse, might as well test it again. We'll see how it goes. I was going to do my other ones also but couldn't bring myself to do it. I want to top those soon. How much longer should I wait to top the other 2. Let me know asap. thanks and keep watching.


Well-Known Member
hey douche, hope you had a great thanksgiving. i've never have topped of used the lst method, so i can't help you much. i'm going to try topping one of them soon. i bought the papaya because one of the people that walked me thru my first grow highly recomended it because of how much abuse that they can take.

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
Here is the plant that I have so far topped and then LST'd. It has already started to curl back up toward the light. When it gets another set of nodes I'll add another bent wire to hold it down. I'll try to work it all around the pot and eventually back to the middle so it has all kind of colas reaching for the light as oppose to just one. I also added a close up of the new shoots coming from where I topped it. I'm learning quite a bit as I go. A lot of the things look tough as I read through them but as I try it, it gets easier.




Well-Known Member
Question for you... I saw on some other posts where growers' clones had 'red stems'. If I understood correctly, the red stems go away as the clone strengthens and grows. question...your clones have red you know why? What does it mean?

Thanks and keep up the good work. BTW, I uploaded some pics on my journal, check it out.


Well-Known Member
i've read somewhere not to worry about red or purple stem when they are young. i'll try to find the link for you.

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
All of these plants were from seed. That plant that I a LSTing has had a rough life. It was in an aerogarden for over a month and never grew any bigger. I moved it to soil and it has begun to grow again. Up untill now I have never noticed the reddish in the stem. Now that you pointed it out thats all I will see now. It should be alright and seems to be doing great. I looked at walmart today for some square containers to transplant into but had no luck. I saw a nutrient that was 12-12-12 though. Is that better than what miracle grow offers? What is the best numbers to get? Later.


Well-Known Member
My bad man...I don't know why I was thinking they were clones. that case...sorry to have made you put on the red tinted glasses when you look at your babies ;-)

You checked my journal recently?


Well-Known Member
the reddish stems are just a nutrient deficiency, it should go away now that they are in soil and getting stronger. and you should wait until they are a little bigger to start feeding them nutrients. (4-5 nodes tall) and do not use miracle grow fertilizer, or did yo mean the soil? if it is for veg get some thing like 8-2-4 and for flower like 2-8-4 hope this helps and gl. ill show some pics of my baby that is grown under a 400w mh only it is about one week away from harvest. just let me know if you are interested just pm me.