Nirvana's Ice, CFL grow


Well-Known Member
No pics of the plants, sorry.. I will try to have some up soon.. Just wanted to stop here and post about my DIY ventilation system, and my first try with homemade organic soil, and also a bud dryer I made..

I was blessed by the weed gods, and they dropped upon me a 100 CFM exhaust fan for ceilings, so I used it along with some ducting for a very nice cool air intake and hot air exhaust.. Works perfectly.. Sorry bout the blurry picture, I'll get a better one later..

I also tried to make some organic soil, I will be using it when I transplant.. Its earth from my back yard, wood chips, sphagnum moss, and blood meal.. I'll be using organic P and K ferts on the plant I put in this stuff..

Also got a pic of the nug dryer I made.. Just a box with two pc fans in it, a shoe string tied inside for hanging buds.. Should work out..

Check out the pics guys..



Well-Known Member
Looking good, I have a question, why don't you use 6500k for veg? I read that's always the best option. Have you had great success with using 2700k's in veg?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for asking.. I do, in fact, use two 26 watt 6500K cfls at the moment.. plus the 200+ watts of 2700K cfls.. I will however take them out once sex shows..


Well-Known Member
I decided to transplant all but one plant today.. Hopefully I can find another container to transplant the other one into.. If not, I really hope its a male, so I can keep it in a different spot to collect the pollen..

I got pics of the plants before the transplant, and after.. Check em out..:joint:



Well-Known Member
just poked some holes in the cap, filled it half way with water, put in a half teaspoon of yeast, and 5 heaping teaspoons of sugar.. Shook it up.. and it started bubbling up a few minutes later.. I replace it whenever it stops bubbling..


Well-Known Member
just poked some holes in the cap, filled it half way with water, put in a half teaspoon of yeast, and 5 heaping teaspoons of sugar.. Shook it up.. and it started bubbling up a few minutes later.. I replace it whenever it stops bubbling..
Yo dude i did that for a while and i noticed it takes like 12 hours for the yeast to eat the sugar so you should just cap it and then open it slowly under your plants


Well-Known Member
Yo dude i did that for a while and i noticed it takes like 12 hours for the yeast to eat the sugar so you should just cap it and then open it slowly under your plants
Thats a good idea.. I will try that.. Thanks for checkin out the grow, by the way..

They seemed to take to the transplant without much shock, if any.. Thats good, cause I dont like to stress my plants.. Only time I will, is when I top for 4 colas..


Well-Known Member
Whats up grapesnowcone? glad i stopped by your girls look very good so far and i wish you teh bast smoke possible. Im 3 1/2 weeks into flowering Ice at the monment and i also used Co2 but removed it at the end of veg because i was'nt sure if my eccessive growth in height and width was from my pheno or the Co2 but one thing i'll say is be prepared for a lot of growth both out and upwards i had to tie bend mine completely over and i was praying i would'nt snap my main stem..Huge fan leaves as well and they also love nitrogen so dont be scimpy ive been doubling up on my nitro and was told by someone to continue to give it up untill the second week of flowering..I hope this helps out for your grow you can see picks of my grow in my sig..Peace


Well-Known Member
Whats up grapesnowcone? glad i stopped by your girls look very good so far and i wish you teh bast smoke possible. Im 3 1/2 weeks into flowering Ice at the monment and i also used Co2 but removed it at the end of veg because i was'nt sure if my eccessive growth in height and width was from my pheno or the Co2 but one thing i'll say is be prepared for a lot of growth both out and upwards i had to tie bend mine completely over and i was praying i would'nt snap my main stem..Huge fan leaves as well and they also love nitrogen so dont be scimpy ive been doubling up on my nitro and was told by someone to continue to give it up untill the second week of flowering..I hope this helps out for your grow you can see picks of my grow in my sig..Peace
Thanks for stopping by man.. I appreciate the tips.. I have a friend who grows this, thats who I got the seeds from) and he also said they get huge.. He had a main cola the size of his arm, and hes a big guy.. Anyways, yeah, I plan to top, then I'm going to LST a little bit.. On my third grow, I did some LST and it worked great (didnt post anything about that grow but it turned out well), so I've got a little practice coming into this grow.. I want as much bud as possible, cause I gotta split it 75/25, LOL.. and I want it to last till my next harvest..

Also, do you know anything about a purple pheno in Ice?? My friend with the arm sized cola also had an Ice grow that was purple, not purple leaves, but purple calyxes.. Some straight up frosty ass purple Ice.. He said I might get one with these seeds, so I'm hoping so.. Lemme know what you've heard about it.. cause really, I aint heard much about the strain..