Nirvana's Ice, CFL grow


Well-Known Member
Just got 5 Ice seeds from a friend.. They are germinating at the moment.. I will be adding pics as I go.. This will be my 4th grow.. First time with good seeds.. If anyone else has grown Ice, please chime in here.. I'd like to know as much as possible.. I will be using 5 - 42 watt 2700K CFLs for flowering, and a mixed spectrum of CFLs for the very short veg period.. I'll be back with pics when the seeds pop..



Active Member
nice one man, will be following your journal no doubt...i also just started a journal with 4 ice seeds. Today they are on day 8 since germination

god luck


Well-Known Member
I actually have 6 seeds.. All but 1 of them popped and showed a taproot.. I dont have pics yet cause this piece o crap phone wont send them for some reason..

..but my setup as of now, and my plans, are:

5 - 42 watt 2700K CFLs
1 - 27 watt 2700K CFL
I have socket adapters plugged into power strips
and two clamp reflectors for side lighting..
I'm using 16 oz party cups till I can transplant into bigger pots
once sex is shown.. I'm using Green Thumb soil and
MG perlite (75% soil/25% perlite).

I am going to go 12/12 from seed with the 227 watts I have..
I will most likely be topping early for multiple colas, and I may
even top all of those.. If I can get the materials together for a
SOG or SCROG I may do that also..

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.. Also, any advice is welcome..


Active Member

12/12 from seed? not enough light there go at least 18/6 for a few weeks before 12/ only want to go 12/12 when you ready to flower

also get a small to circulate air, your plants will love that...when they seedlings you need a fan to circulate over them (they should jiggle a little like palms)

i'd also put more perlite in your soil mix like 60/40



Well-Known Member
I made an intake and outtake for my grow spot.. I used insulated ducting, took the insulation off and cut it in half.. I used pne half going from my air conditioning vent to the top of my grow spot where my lights are (most of the time the AC is on, when its not, I have the fan on) and I used to second half going from my fan (originally for air circulation) to a dryer vent on the side of my house.. It works very well, better than I expected..

@metroplex - I've done this 3 times prior to this with the same light setup, and I ALWAYS go 12/12 from seed and it works perfectly.. When I started I only had 136 watts, now I have 237.. Also, I have mixed up a good 60/40 batch of soil.. I'm going to be using that when I transplant..


One of the six seeds were dead, it never sprouted a taproot.. I threw it away.. The rest went in the ground.. Only 4 of them popped, and I dug what looked to be a dead seed with brown taproot out of the soil on one.. Oh well, thats 4 seeds that have popped outta the soil, growing fine.. and its ICE, so its gonna be great when its done.. I've been smokin this same strain for the last 3 or 4 months from my dude, I'm planning to make it look better than his..


Well-Known Member
Also, I'll try to have pics soon.. I found out my problem with sending picture messages to my email, they are too big, so I need to turn down my resolution.. Camera phones... pffft.


Well-Known Member
My seedlings are on Day 3 of life, I have included a pic of them.. I have also included a picture of my setup, including the ghetto rigged intake and exhaust.. It works, so no worries on my end..

Temps are maintained 65F at night, 75F during the day..

Check them out guys..



Well-Known Member
I have a question.. If my friend who grew the Nirvanas Ice, crossed it with another plant in the batch to make seeds, would they still be Nirvana seeds, or (insert friends name here) seeds??

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
i think they would be friendvana seeds then, LoL. grow looks good grape, the ice looks nice. hope there all females.


Well-Known Member
LOL Friendvana sounds good.. thats some funny stuff right there.. Thanks for checkin me out though.. I'll update whenever it needs updated..


Well-Known Member
Just went in there and snapped a pic of the four seedlings.. The water lasts a while in the seedling stage so I really dont even check on em.. I'll prolly post pics again when I got a 1st true node..



Well-Known Member
Still small.. Thats due to the 12/12 from seed.. I threw in some 6500K cfls to help with veg growth.. I'll take them out when I start getting flowers..

Right now I have a total of 315 watts..

I also included a pic of the babies.. Check it out..


MJ Crescendo

Well-Known Member
I have a nirvana ice going as well. It's not fem so hopefully it turns out to be a female. Mine is about the same size as yours so I'll be checking in periodically to see how well our grows line up. Best of luck


Well-Known Member
The 6500K cfls seem to of helped a lot.. or maybe its just the way they grow, I dont know.. They seem to be growing more/better..


Well-Known Member
I rearranged a lil in my grow room.. Made everything a bit more efficient.. Also, I made a CO2 generator with a bottle and some sugar, water, and yeast.. I'll be changing it out for a different one every two days... Pics will be in about 2 or 3 days..