Nirvana's fiminzed 'ICE' strain. Any grow hints or tips? Things to watch for?


Well-Known Member
Who all here have tried that strain?

It's called 'Ice' because once the plant gets into it's 4th or 5th week of flowering.. Trichs just start developing all over the entire plant.. suppose to be a very very potent strain too. Excellent for chronic pain and anxiety problems.

There any problems that this strain is known for?? Anything I need to particular keep an eye out for?

Has anyone here ever grown this strain?

My seeds should be here within the next few days.. and I'm just wanting to make sure that this strain doesn't need any "special care"..

Or if the strain is a forgiving strain and disease resistant..

Basically, I'm wondering if any of you that have grown this strain, I'm just wondering if you might have any growing tips that you would share with me..

Kinda excited to try this strain for my first time.. heard great things about it... plus I might want to try and cross this strain into a current breeding project of mine.

Thanks in advance to any and all of you.
Thanks for your time!

I'm growing it. I've found this strain particularly PH sensitive. I only dropped to about 5.8 in soil and symptoms showed. Very drastically varying phenos. One stretchy hybrid and a second that is much more indica like with fatter leaves and a shorter stature. I look forward to hearing other comments as well.


i just started mine and three of them are very lime green and one is very dark... the fifth one got two inches and died. i allso look forwatd to what yall see in this strain i have heard it is very good


ICE likes extra nitrogen. If the leaves are lime green, could most likely be from nitrogen deficiency. I'm into the 5th week of flower and have very happy ICE plants and they always get a little extra N when mixing nutrience. All dark green in color, already covered in crystals by the 2nd-3rd week, and resistant to common elements (heat, cold, insects, nutrient deficiencies). Super excited to see how it smokes!