Nirvanas Femnised Autoflowering Blue Mystic DWC grow


Well-Known Member
adjusted pH again it was at 6.1 not as high as yesturday

theres also been a great root increase overnight.

pH is at 5.9 for both buckets.
The temp inside is 80 and the humidity is 57%.

The double blue mystic has showed pistils but only on one stalk, hoping I dont have to separate. The other one in soil has shown pistils as well so thats 2 confirmed females already.(one seed went male on me) I got pollen, when should I pollinate one of my females if I decided I wanted to?? I wouldnt mind having more of these seeds. Also I am starting to see the blue hues start in the leaves.:weed: and they are starting to smell a little. they speed up fast once those roots hit water




Well-Known Member
today the pH was at 6.2 I adjusted again back down to 5.8. the PPMs for both buckets are different one is close to 400 and the other is at about 480. The roots are going crazy now that they've found the bottom of the net lids. I wont be posting pics everyday anymore for various reasons. Keep it real guys.


Yeah I got two others in soil, I put ONE seed, in a gallon pot in soil right now and it sprouted just fine then a few days later another one popped up beside it :confused::confused:

heres a pic :
THAT HAPPENED WITH ONE OF MY BLUE MYSTIC SEEDS! :D Mine just started growing, but how did your two end up growing? Did they die or did they both survive? And how did you plant them?


THAT HAPPENED TO ONE OF MY BLUE MYSTIC SEEDS! Mine just started growing, but how did yours end up? Did they die and how did you plant them?


Well-Known Member
Thought i'd give an update on gods day, enjoy.

PPM-around 700

Had to take one bucket out of the tent because its showing male flowers and also cut down 1/2 of the Twin soil plant leaving me with only 3 fems. sucks becuase I was really hoping that I wouldnt have to separate I was going to use pollen i collected from my last male to pollinate one of my females for more sprouts but when I went to get the jar i had the pollen in the shit had grown black mold or some shit on it :evil:

did a res change yesturday on both buckets I also switched to GH flora nova nutes. a dose of the grow formula for the male and a dose of the bloom formula for the female. One thing about these guys I find the pH is best at 5.8

Both the 1gal soil pots are about 1ft tall give or take


