Well-Known Member
ok. I had someone ask me to tell them how I made the hash.. sooo im gonna do a little description of the process... and use pics to show exactly what I did... It was VERY easy.. and the best part.. I used stuff I had lying around my house... you DO NOT NEED MONEY TO MAKE HASH! Mine came out fine.. I think. lol.
Just so we're clear too... this is my FIRST attempt at making hash ever.
** One thing I did realize while making this hash.. I used WAYYYYYYY too much water... it didnt affect the potency of the hash or anything like that.. it just make the part where I had to drain ALL the water through a coffee filter (paper) take FOREVERRR!! Soo when you do this.. please.. try to use as little water as possible! lol
1) Get your trimmings in a bag, and put them in the freezer for about 1/2 hour. Your trimmings should already be dry as well. As soon as you trim your plant.. put all the trimmings you are going to use somewhere and leave the cover of and let them dry.
2) Get all your supplies out and ready. *You will be using ice during this process, so be sure you have everything ready to go when you take out your ice, so it does not melt*
Supplies Needed - (Anything shown in the picture, but NOT listed above did not end up being used. For example: White Nylon that is covering the other pan)
3) Pour your trim into a container, and add your ice, and enough water to turn it into a "soup" like mixture. You want a good amount of water, but not TOO much because remember, after you mix and let it set, you will be using a ladle to pour the liquid through a paper coffee filter. The more liquid you have, the longer it will take.
4) With your hands, (you may use gloves if you would like) *The water will be VERY cold!* mix up the trim and ice-water enough so that none of the trim is still dry.
5) Now, with your Electric Mixer, or Wire Whisk/Spoon, mix it up for about 10-15 minutes. (mixture may bubble a little bit, this is normal, Do Not panic) Take a break if your hand gets tired. *Be careful of the ice cubes if using an Electric Mixer*
6) You will now be left and a swampy looking mixture. Let the mixture set for about 30-40 minutes. If the room/area you are doing this in is very hot, you may want to add a little more ice to the mixture, because you don't want the mixture to get warm.
7) Now, you want to get your other pan/bowl/container, and place the Spaghetti Strainer over it.
Next, you are going to want to use your ladle, and start scooping out the mixture from the container it is in, and pour it into the Spaghetti Strainer which is over the 2nd container. When you pour it through the strainer, the soggy leaves that did not make it through should be squeezed over the strainer, and then thrown away.
Do this until all the mixture is into the 2nd container. When you remove the strainer, you should be lefy with a yellowish/greenish liquid, that may have small pieces of leaves still floating around.
9) Now you are going to want to grab your Ladle again, and repeat the process, only this time, you will be pouring the liquid through the Re-Usable/Metal Coffee Filter. *If you do not have a re-usable coffee filter then skip this step*This will take a little bit longer than with the Spaghetti Strainer. Remember when I said not to use too much water? This is when it will pay off if you listened.
10) Ok. Now this is the Final Step. You will have to repeat this process, one last time. Only this time, you will be placing a paper coffee filter into the re-usable coffee filter (or if you do not have a re-usable coffee filter, you will just have to hold the paper coffee filter by hand). This process will take even longer than the last. Once you start getting down to the last scoops of water, you should be able to see small sediments settling at the bottom of your container. Yup, that is your hash!
You can watch, as your last scoop of water slowly drains through the coffee filter, and see your hash starting to form at the bottom.
11) After the last of the water has drained, you will see your hash at the bottom. You will want to *gently* squeeze any excess moisture out. If you have another paper coffee filter laying around, you should place the wet filter into a dry one. This will help it dry out faster, and catch any of your hash that may fall out if your wet coffee filter is falling apart.
** There ya go. There is your very own hash. And you did not have to go out and spend all kinds of money on expensive "Hash Making" bags. You got to make it with common household items.**
Thanks Guys. Hope my little guide I put together helps anyone out with making their own hash. Happy Smoking!
Just so we're clear too... this is my FIRST attempt at making hash ever.
** One thing I did realize while making this hash.. I used WAYYYYYYY too much water... it didnt affect the potency of the hash or anything like that.. it just make the part where I had to drain ALL the water through a coffee filter (paper) take FOREVERRR!! Soo when you do this.. please.. try to use as little water as possible! lol
1) Get your trimmings in a bag, and put them in the freezer for about 1/2 hour. Your trimmings should already be dry as well. As soon as you trim your plant.. put all the trimmings you are going to use somewhere and leave the cover of and let them dry.

2) Get all your supplies out and ready. *You will be using ice during this process, so be sure you have everything ready to go when you take out your ice, so it does not melt*
Supplies Needed - (Anything shown in the picture, but NOT listed above did not end up being used. For example: White Nylon that is covering the other pan)
- Trimmings ( I used 14 grams of trim, and you can see at the end how much hash I ended up with)
- Ice (Amount depends on how much trim you have. I would say 1 tray of ice per every 1/2 ounce (14 grams) of trim)
- 2 Pans or Bowls (Again, size depends on how much trim you have. You want to make sure both containers are big enough to hold all your trim and water, and have enough room left so that while your mixing, it doesn't spill over)
- Strainer (Not shown in this pic. You want a regular spaghetti strainer)
- Ladle (Used to scoop out water and pour it through the coffee filters)
- Coffee Filter - Metal/Re-Usable *Optional* (This is used the filter the liquid after you pour it through the spaghetti strainer. If you do not have one of these it is OK. Just use a paper filter instead)
- Coffee Filter - Paper (This will be the last thing you pour the liquid through. This is where, once all the water have been poured through, your hash will end up)
- Electric Mixer *Optional* (This will be used to (that's right...) Mix the trim when you 1st pour the ice-water into the trim/trim into the ice-water)
- Wooden Spoon or Whisk *If you do not have Electric Mixer* (This will be used to mix if you do not have an Electric Mixer)

3) Pour your trim into a container, and add your ice, and enough water to turn it into a "soup" like mixture. You want a good amount of water, but not TOO much because remember, after you mix and let it set, you will be using a ladle to pour the liquid through a paper coffee filter. The more liquid you have, the longer it will take.

4) With your hands, (you may use gloves if you would like) *The water will be VERY cold!* mix up the trim and ice-water enough so that none of the trim is still dry.

5) Now, with your Electric Mixer, or Wire Whisk/Spoon, mix it up for about 10-15 minutes. (mixture may bubble a little bit, this is normal, Do Not panic) Take a break if your hand gets tired. *Be careful of the ice cubes if using an Electric Mixer*

6) You will now be left and a swampy looking mixture. Let the mixture set for about 30-40 minutes. If the room/area you are doing this in is very hot, you may want to add a little more ice to the mixture, because you don't want the mixture to get warm.

7) Now, you want to get your other pan/bowl/container, and place the Spaghetti Strainer over it.

Do this until all the mixture is into the 2nd container. When you remove the strainer, you should be lefy with a yellowish/greenish liquid, that may have small pieces of leaves still floating around.

9) Now you are going to want to grab your Ladle again, and repeat the process, only this time, you will be pouring the liquid through the Re-Usable/Metal Coffee Filter. *If you do not have a re-usable coffee filter then skip this step*This will take a little bit longer than with the Spaghetti Strainer. Remember when I said not to use too much water? This is when it will pay off if you listened.

10) Ok. Now this is the Final Step. You will have to repeat this process, one last time. Only this time, you will be placing a paper coffee filter into the re-usable coffee filter (or if you do not have a re-usable coffee filter, you will just have to hold the paper coffee filter by hand). This process will take even longer than the last. Once you start getting down to the last scoops of water, you should be able to see small sediments settling at the bottom of your container. Yup, that is your hash!

You can watch, as your last scoop of water slowly drains through the coffee filter, and see your hash starting to form at the bottom.

11) After the last of the water has drained, you will see your hash at the bottom. You will want to *gently* squeeze any excess moisture out. If you have another paper coffee filter laying around, you should place the wet filter into a dry one. This will help it dry out faster, and catch any of your hash that may fall out if your wet coffee filter is falling apart.
** There ya go. There is your very own hash. And you did not have to go out and spend all kinds of money on expensive "Hash Making" bags. You got to make it with common household items.**

Thanks Guys. Hope my little guide I put together helps anyone out with making their own hash. Happy Smoking!