85.3 Grams! which comes out to 3.15 ounces EVEN!

Very happy with that.. I was thinkin an ounce an 1/2 right b4 I harvested.... and I got more than double that!
This weight includes everything. all the lil popcorn buds, which i finally finished trimming a couple days ago... and it included the 2.9 grams I had already tested/smoked. =)
Not bad for my 2nd grow... well.. I like to conmsider this my 1st "real" grow.. since my other grow was bag seeds from some bunk schwagg.. adn they both turned hermie.. adn I had to harvest them at week 7.. adn they were streesed like a mother fucker since my lights would constantly stay on all night during flowering.
Anywayz..... lol. just wanted to let you all know the final weight. 3 weeks vegg, 8 week flower.. and only CFL's... Who sais CFL's cant ge tthe job done...?
Now I gotta write up a message.. adn copy it... and go into my poll.. and send the message to everyone who checked off "you wont yield shit because you suck at growing.. etc." and brag about my 3+ ounce harvest... it just annoys me that people took the time to click on that answer.. lol. maybe I shouldnt have put it there... but i didnt think THAT many people would have checked it off...
You know what s funny tho... some of the people who checked that answer off... are regulars on here....??? Like "Audi Driver 6" or w.e. the name is.. he posted sumthing the other day.. sayin his guess was like 50 grams or sumthin like that.. but he checked off the answer sayin you wont yield shit cuz u suck at growin... theres alot of poeple who chcked that off that i have talked to on here quite a bit.... didnt know they checked that off tho.. lol. but fuckkkk it. lol. i got 3 ounces of White Widow... adn they dont.
