yea i get crazy germ rates too ...just toss them in a paper towel in the top of my closet and next 24 hours or so i got tap roots everywhere...with the jiffy POTS tho those are completely biodegradable and so cheap if you lose a clone you can just say fuck it and toss the whole thing but if it lives it makes it so stress free on the plant its GREAT
yeaaa. thats what I did with this seed. Just stuck it in some moist papertowels and put it in a little container and put it on the top shelf of my closet. usually I put the container next to my heater.. but i think it gets too hot and dries it out.. soo I'lll just put'em on top of my closet for now.. it seems to work better. yea i have a pack of 6 jiffy pots. maybe I will try usin them soon. sounds like they work great.
Hey chb! Just wait dude, your shit is gonna look like you took a can of that fake snow shit and sprayed your buds. My buds are just covered!!! I see all these people where their whole plant is covered and WHITE!!! But, I noticed the ones that are like that are under like 600w and 1000w lights, so I'm not expecting all that, but would be nice! My 2 widows are Nirvana feminised seeds. The papaya is probably the best smelling except when I do that pinch thing to the widow. mmmmmmm yummy! Gonna try to make some hash with all the clippings when I'm done. I was browsing some menus from Amsterdam and theres something I noticed; Peacemaker??? More expensive than widow! So I'm gonna try to find some of that for my next grow. I'm in week 6 now so more pics probably mid week. Just waiting for the LSD to take off. That ones got probably the most bud per plant but they're not getting any fatter!?? Hope its some dense stuff. If it was super dense, I wouldn't really care if the buds were smaller. Anyway, Take it easy man. Peace!
yeaaaa. I cant wait for it to be covered in crsytals... its on its way. lol. mostly th elower buds tho. the tops ones still only have a few. when i pinch them tho (which i only did twice, cuz i dont want to keep rubbin off the little resin i have. lol) the smell is great!! VERY fruity! Im so happy that its got that pheno.
The siamese twin buds look soo fucking wierd. especially RIGHT under the main bud.. you know how theres those small buds that eventually grow big enough and kinda form with the main bud?? well theres 4 instead of 2.. soo right underneath theres just a clusterfuck of white hairs and leaves... lol. the leaves are stickin out all over the place.. cuz its over crowded.. adn theres white hairs everywhere.. i wil be sure to take a close-up of that 2morow. =)
but yea I plan on making some hash and some butter as well. I've just never had "real" hash and would like to try it.. and i deff wanna try the butter!!
I've never really heard of the "PeaceMaker"...? it sounds cool tho. I LOVE the name. lol. its perfect!
Cant wait to see the updated pics man.. im curious to soo the LSD as well. idk.. when I was on nirvana's website.. papaya just never stuck out to me.. not bashin ur strain/plant at all. lol. since your growing it you would know if it was good or not.. but i usually just go by the pic.. adn the pic doesnt catch my eye.. same with the aurora indica.. and the venus flytrap.. adn the PPP... I'm sure they are all good strains.. but the pic just doesnt stancd out to me. the blue Mystic and BlackJack and BlackBerry on the other hand.... those pics stand out.
I might talk to nirvana about that.. I feel people would buy more if the seeds were better. I remember lookin on their site and noticing alot of the same strains had the same exact pics... like the White Widow and Northern Lights... they had the same EXACT pic.. and for w.e. reason. Elderado doesnt even have a pic... wtf?? Thats not gonna help business. lol
and yea I would be happy either way.. more "less dense" buds.. or less "denser" buds.... if that makes sense?? lol
you got a gorgeous plant man
Thanks man! Yeaaa. I lucked out with this strain/seed man.. she turned out great.. I never thought I would have to worry that i would run out of room in my closet... shes growing TOO wide.. and growing right up against all 3 walls... lol. OOooooo well. I'll tie her up if i need too.. I bet she'd like it if i tied her up....

More pics tomorow guys!! unless someone wants a quick pic of a single bud to hold them over.. well.. hold ME over. lmao. since I'm the one obsessed with taking pictures... probably would take a pic of the Siamese bud and all the growth right underneath it... lemme kno if u guys want me to.