Awwww man... bad news... Was counting all the seeds over my sink.. and they all fell into the drain...

No more seeds......

Oooo wait.. did you say you were gonna send some seeds..?? OK. You still can... LMAO

.. Juuuuuuuuust Kiiiiiiiding!! lol.
They're all packed away nice and safe.

That's nice of ya man if you really were gonna send me some.. Honestly.. even if you said u were gonna... I still woulda like.. shit myself if I checked the mail and got like a birthday card with Seeds in it.. lol. Cuz I wouldnt have been 100% sure if you woulda sent them. lol.
Well if for some reason you ever get a male in your garden. and end up with a shitload of seeds.. then we should talk.. =) maybe do a little trade.

Cuz I would LOVE to get some exotic seeds like the ones you got.. i got the "Old School" strain. lol I could go for some of those new strains. =) and from what I see... They're lookin pretty good in your garden. =)