Nirvanas Blackjack Is Now Growing In A Tree!


Well-Known Member
I went and checked on the girl yesturday and she looks good. Most of the hairs are amber. But I am starting to see alot of new white ones starting to sprout once again. I think the shade is helping her out alot. Well in the late june when this girl starts really budding up again I think she is going to just grow one giant nug that is going to be like 40in tall which is fine with me. I will go out there tomorrow to take a picture of her and share with you guys. STAY HIGH!!
Don't be surprised iF one of those alien predators is passed out on the ground below your weed after smoking your whole plant. Asta Lavista baby!

You DID rig the tree to send down a huge log with spike in it riiiiighttt?


Well-Known Member
No alien person is coming to here. If a cop was to find your plant they rip it out and do nit stake it out. If you make a trap on the other hand you will be caught and you will go to prison.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys just another update. Went and looked at the girl today. She looks healthy. Although I am seeing signs of her going hermie. I know she is in complete reveg right now. Has any one every revegged a plant and had buds swelling up like they are growing seeds. On the other hand did any one ever reveg a plant that looked like mine at one point of its like. Or is this deffinate signs that she has turned hermie. Well guys your comments are all appreciated. Stay High!!!



Looks hermie to me... in the third pic, about halfway down on the left, are three balls in a hairs coming out of them so I don't think they're swollen pistils..


Well-Known Member
Looks hermie to me... in the third pic, about halfway down on the left, are three balls in a hairs coming out of them so I don't think they're swollen pistils..
Yeah unfortunatly I am kinda with you on that one. I was looking at it and it seemed to be swelling up way to much for just a reveg ( there should be no more flowers growing in reveg). Any ways I am just going to let it ride out. The days where I live will still be getting longer until like the 25 of June so she will be in this state of growth until then. Well this kind of sux. I just lost my dad 11 days ago. 4 days later my two indoor BlackJack in my main cabinet died due to neglect because I couldnt get to them needed to stay home with mom. And now my outdoor girl is going hermie. What else could go wrong. The only plant I have that is still budding healthy is the papaya I have the PC grow box. Which I will be lucky if I get an ounce out of her. Well it looks like I am going to have to buy a few bags until my future harvest. STAY HIGH!!


Well-Known Member
Well guys went out into the woods today to check on the girl. We had a horrible storm last night that got up to 75mph winds. The girl seemed to have thrived through it. Any ways as I was saying in the last update about me thinking that she had gone hermie. I think I was wrong. I was looking at her today and all of the swelling has hairs still coming out of every one. Some are amber and some are white. I think this is because I have her now sitting in the shade for the morning. I think that is helping her flower a bit earlier than I thought. Well bottom line is she is looking healthy and I dont think that she is a he she. Tell me what you guys think I took some pretty decent pictures today. STAY HIGH!!!!!!:mrgreen::mrgreen:023.jpg025.jpg022.jpg024.jpg021.jpg026.jpg


Active Member
i dont see any signs of hermi....those "balls " now look like juicy swollen calyx's........mmmmmmmmmm.
nice job dude
its lookin good.

thanks but no danks

Active Member
haha nice, ive seen a youtube video tho where this guy found a tree that v'd off to two main stalks and they had a large dip i the middle of them for some reason

so he decided to fill the dip up with soil and plant his marijuana straight into the tree hahaha


Well-Known Member
i dont see any signs of hermi....those "balls " now look like juicy swollen calyx's........mmmmmmmmmm.
nice job dude
its lookin good.
Yeah man at first they really looked like pollen spores. They gave me quite a scare. Then when I went and looked at her two days ago and seen that hairs were deffinatly coming out of every one that I could see. Now I am not as scared and I think that was just the way this plant wanted to show its reveg process!! STAY HIGH!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys just a verbal update. Girl looks good and it seems she might be coming out of reveg now. Any ways I took some pics yesterday just haven't had time to load them up. Other than that there I nothing else going on. STAY HIGH GUYS.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys just another update. Went out and snapped a few pictures off today. She was looking pretty nice. She did have a few yellow and dead leaves but I am not worried about them at all. Any way looks like she might be going into flower now that the days are getting shorter. Well I guess that is all I got for you here. Enjoy the pics and stay high!!!008.jpg007.jpg009.jpg006.jpg