Nirvana's Blackjack Harvest, Flowered 78 days, 400w soil,tent grow. PICS


Active Member
excellent grow! how was the smell factor during flowering? how is the hight too? beautiful just beautiful grow Props to you brother?
I would rate the smell a 7 on a scale of 1-10 (10 being super stinky) with the last 2 weeks being the strongest. I will say the day I trimmed all the plants my house smelled as if it had a dead skunk somewhere in it:).........lucky for me I have no neighbors so I just opened up the windows and let it air out.


Active Member

Ok, its been 8 days since I had my harvest. I let the buds dry in my tent for 4 days untill they started to feel a bit crispy on the outside edges, then a final inspection-trimming to remove some of the stems and into the jars they go. I have been removing them from the jars twice a day for a brief air out then back into the jars they go. I would say that they are getting close to thier final dry weight..........and I can now let them stay in the jars without worrying about any mold or rot issues. I had taken a few buds off the week or two prior to harvest and those are now cured and smoking nice. The smoke so far is best discribed as thick and heavy, with an floral taste that will make you smack your lips. I think its only going to get better as it cures a bit longer. This weed is a creeper, you take a hit or three and say "what the F, I dont feel shit" then 10-15min later your so stoned you forget who you are...LOL I have only sampled the buds from one plant, and I must say that the others look a bit only time will tell if they all smoke the same.

I thought I would post a pic of them all jared up.....and yes they are all full of nice, dense, sticky, stinky buds. I weighed them up last night so I do have an estimated weight, even if I know they might dry out a bit more from curing......anyone what to guess a weight?

This was my 3rd indoor grow and by far and away the best yeild to date.



Active Member
Alright, here goes. Last night I went and opened all the jars and removed all the buds and let them sit in the open air for about half hour. I just wanted to make sure they were dry enough to get an accurate weight, and I think they are. Im sure I will lose a few % in the next few curing weeks, but overall this is what I ended up with.

Total weight = 470 grams (each of the 5 large jars contain 65-75g and the smalls average 20g)

I had trimmed a few buds a week or so prior to the main harvest and those are now cured and smoking nice.

The smoke is thick and heavy with a floral like after taste that leaves you smaking your lips. (should only get better with a longer cure) This smoke seems to be a creaper, as the first few hits and your wondering "what the F, I dont feel anything" then about 15 min later your flying high and it only gets better with time. The high is a mix of heady (will leave you with what I call perm-a-smile) but is just as strong on the body side, this weed isnt a KO punch and seems great for going out and or just chilling at home. Like I said I have only sampled one bud from one plant, so there could be some slight differences between the four as the buds from each plant do have slight visual differences. I will post a detailed smoke report once they cure a few more weeks and I can sample some buds from each plant.

Thanks everyone for the kind words and I cant wait to get my next grow going (Sterling Haze w/upgraded 600w equip)



Well-Known Member
mega mate!!

i;m speechless, stunning grow and i apolagise for my poor estimate haha

enjoy that brother