some ppl do the 24 hr's off right b4 they switch to 12/12. and also right b4 harvest. i don't but some ppl do, and yeah if there is a light leak then they can go hermie.GREEN man they'll show in a week or so for sure i stll can't see too blurry man. if there feminized then as long as there happy they should all be fine but idk they did get a lil stressed at the begining i think i remember reading u had them outside(KINDA COLD SO U NVR KNOW)???? so that may be a prob but idk i'm used to regular seed's this lr2*ak47 will be the first ever feminised seed i've planted. planted the WW's and the LR2*AK47 a few min's ago.*MY FINGER'S ARE CROSSED FOR U DUDE*