Nirvana Seeds Seized by US Customs


Active Member
ive gotten three orders from attitude, tin proof package, guaranteed shipping and tee shirts. lol and my had tape and shit on it and it said checked and cleared by us customs and everything was still intact!!!


New Member
Well I can Understand the resend. But I have not received a Green Taped Letter

So what does that mean? I was already told wait until the 30th. But unlike you guys I have not gotten a "customs" letter. And that worries me


Active Member
I'd negative rep you if I could. Seeds contain zero THC, not even trace amounts. They contain trace amounts of NPK so the plant can grow from seed. That's it. No THC. Welcome to RIU, newbie.

Yawn. Welcome to RIU, newbie.

Yawn. Welcome to RIU, newbie.

Welcome to RIU, newbie.

TONS of new people in THIS thread. HMMMMMMM (cough). Cut it out seed company spammers it just gets your IP Class C banned. =)
Just curious, why do u think new people are seed company spammers. None of them said one thing even close to promoting any company. If anything, what they said was kind of negative towards buying seeds. If u Google internet troll, it basically describes your post....


Well-Known Member
I order from and pay for their stealth shipping option. My last order came inside a CD case... very sneaky and clever. They put it inside the black plastic so even if the package was opened, CD case unsealed, opened, and CD removed, nobody would find anything. And I got a free CD of ringtones, too!! :D


Well-Known Member
Just curious, why do u think new people are seed company spammers. None of them said one thing even close to promoting any company. If anything, what they said was kind of negative towards buying seeds. If u Google internet troll, it basically describes your post....
You'll see it a lot really.... They arent promoting themselves. They are anti-promoting Nirvana. If people dont buy from Nirvana, the "seeds seized" coupled with their other "I got mine from here and all was 100%!" threads that they start with other names on this and other forums will get them sales.

Just a weeding out of bullshit that never ends =) =) =)


Well-Known Member
Just curious, why do u think new people are seed company spammers. None of them said one thing even close to promoting any company. If anything, what they said was kind of negative towards buying seeds. If u Google internet troll, it basically describes your post....
She wasnt trolling & she can speak for herself but since i said things reafirming a post of her's ill answer.

Stick around & you will see a pattern,right now nobodys pushing business twords any company,right now were seeing people bash one company with hopes of drawing out anybody they can to join the negative posting,once a company has been thouroughly bashed the threads stop ....................

Now the noobs start posting threads asking the membership which seedbank to use,sometimes they say they were thinking about buying from the seedbank that just got bashed,then they act all suprised when people point them to the recent negativity posted about the business in question.

Then the noob thanks the forum members for warning him about the bad seed company because he is allready sketched the f--k out from the last time he tried to buy seeds & got ripped off.

But its still not over,a short time later the shills start new threads raving about the great deal & ass kicking service they got at their seed company,then comes all the gratefull posts saying thank you guys for keeping me from getting ripped off,then they go on to post the fantastic stuff that went down with the good seedbank like lightning fast shipping,,ultra cheap prices,free goodies,free seeds of other top strains,how they ordered 10 seeds & got a bunch of free seeds of that strain as well,how great the stealth shipping was,oh,we cant forget to post how large the seeds were,they were all the size of small grapes not to mention every last seed not only sprouted but is growing faster than anything they have ever seen.

Give it time brother,you will see this with seedbanks,fertilizer/additive company's & hydro shops ect.


New Member
I know My seed company will make it right was never Concerned about that

What concerns me is what happened and how it could Possibly affect me


Active Member
Im not trying to say anything negative about Nirvana .. im sure this wasnt there fault. just that the stealth they use needs to be updated ...i have been emailng them and hopefully ill get some new beans sent out ... here is the copy of the letter i recieved ...ive ordred from Nirvana in the past and been very happy and they have great prices ...

US Cutoms letter 001.jpg


Well-Known Member
Very interesting post, I ordered from Nirvana on the 16th, from Attitude 19th, both sites said they shipped that Monday, my Attitude seeds came in yesterday, hoping my Nirvanas show up tomorrow without any red tape. Makes me wonder tho with all the guys here who've just recently had the problem with Customs. I'll post if they do come in clean or not
I'm not bad mouthing any seed company tho, im a first time buyer from both.


New Member
Im not trying to say anything negative about Nirvana .. im sure this wasnt there fault. just that the stealth they use needs to be updated ...i have been emailng them and hopefully ill get some new beans sent out ... here is the copy of the letter i recieved ...ive ordred from Nirvana in the past and been very happy and they have great prices ...

View attachment 1668736
It doesnt help when
the stealth packagin they use are all over the internet
My order was sent on the 6th. Still have not received even a letter


Well-Known Member
UPDATE: 6/29
Received my 5 NLs from Nirvana, NO RED TAPE. Took 10 business days.
Sorry for anyone out there who has'nt received theirs yet.


Active Member
Thats how they sent mine ...the mints ...they still broke the little sticker seal and got there filthy hands all over my mints and stole my beans ...

But all is good since i recieved this email from nirvana this morning ..

I'm sorry to hear your order was confiscated. As you know, our Terms & Conditions clearly state that we cannot be held responsible for lost, stolen or confiscated shipments. As a gesture of goodwill, though, I'm willing to resend your order to you once more.

I hope it will arrive safely this time!


Active Member
Just go with the Tude from now on folks recived my beans in 8 days and i ordered on friday as they were closing...Got an extra 4 beans plus all the extras allready just for writing an email and asking(NO IM NOT A SPAMMER) just a happy client all beans cracked within 18hrs using the paper towel method..


New Member
Yes seeds have trace amounts of THC, that is why they are illegal. What kind of bogus info is this post. Maybe you are thinking of mushroom spores, they are legal to buy and sell because they have no illegal substances in them as long as you aren't cultivating them.

rep+ if this helps
And this years Darwin Award winner is.........


Well-Known Member
I got my seeds,they were in a bleh,bleh, bleh.
My seeds came in a bleh.bleh.bleh.


Well-Known Member
yeah im not to worried about that, do you honestly believe they don't know what Nirvana sends their packages in? Obviously they confiscate them once in a while, im sure they have an idea what to look for, they really could care less about these things other than if they intercept they might confiscate them. And yeah those things taste HORRIBLE!


Active Member
My Nirvana beans were confiscated by Customs as well. And no, I'm not a fawkin' spammer. However, received green taped package quick (10 days), even to my location in the islands. I wrote Nirvana and recommended they update their stealth methods. My package was screaming to be opened. Return address had "Holland" written big as hell and those mints shaking around inside practically screamed "seeds". When the package came to house, and before I saw green tape on other side, i shook and and thought, "wow, I can hear the beans moving around inside... shady". But no, just those awful mints.

Chuck at Nirvana said he'd make it right, but not sure I'm willing to take the chance on another Customs letter. I'll ask if they can send without return address, use another stealth method, and a fake name. Hmmm, wonder what happens after a second+ Customs letter?

BTW: I've since received two Attitude orders and one was not stealth, which was really odd.

Oh, and if someone DOES come a knockin', just tell them you don't know what the hell they are talking about. Was probably some stoner in the area that knows you're at work all day. Just don't have a grow going at the time :o


Active Member
duke, are you in the states? I'm on the East Coast and haven't received anything either...ordered shipped on the 11th.