Nirvana Northern Lights Autoflower 600w HPS DWC

Jesus Moosh

Well-Known Member
I'm subscribing. I will start my first grow as soon as nirvana get some blue mystic autos back. Can you post pics of the setup with the carbon filter?

When you germ how long did you soak the rockwool? When transplanting you bury the rockwool under the hydroton? Sorry for all the questions, I'm a noob and trying to understand everything.
Hi Monkster, cheers for dropping by and for the sub.

With germination I use the wet towel method (put the seeds in between two wet sheets over papertowel on a plate with a bowel over it) Once the tap root is 1/2" long put them into 1" rockwool cubes which i left to soak in ph 6 water since i bought the seeds. I gently squeeze excess water out of the cubes and put the seeds tap root DOWN into the rockwool. I left them in a self watering propagator untill i could see about 1/4" of root hanging out the bottom of the rockwool then I placed them into the dwc. I put 1 layer of hydroton at the bottom of the netpot, place the rockwool in and build the hydroton around it and then ontop of it untill the hydroton is level with the top of the netpot.
Here's a pic of my carbon filter/4"fan set up
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The next grow I will go back to SCROG myself !
I had a half arsed attempt at it on my first grow and ended up taking it out, but I am really gonna give it a go this time


So this morning i wake up and go and look at the ladies and they are doin really well as far as stretching and new leaf developement so happy days! HOWEVER I left the tent door open and also the door to the room where the tent is situated unattended for say 15 mins while I was down stairs (waylaid by a friends who stayed last night, had a quick spliff). I come back upstairs and the cat and the dog and also my friends dog are in the room, the cat is on top of the tent, the dogs whining for the cat and HALF my grow has been EATEN!!! Two plants have minor damage, 1 minor/medium damage, 1 medium/servre and 1 just fucked up which just happened to be the biggest of them all.

Now this is not the first summin like this has happened, on my last grow i lowered the lights to far and burnt one of the plants quite badly, it had half a leaf left but it grew to be a mutant that looked like 3 plants from one root system. I pulled it out and give some TLC which what I'll do to these. Now the shock of all this to the plants is gonna put growth back by 2 weeks and there are only two plants that havent really been affected. Looks like I'm gonna have to set up a second veg room for the two badly affected plants and just hope they dont AF. The other three i will just carry on as normal. I've had to remove the screen for the moment so I can lower the lights and I will put it back in, in 2-3 weeks time.

Here's some pics of the damage
The two minor
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The medium
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The medium/servre
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And the fucked one
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Well-Known Member
Ouch, cats love them some cannabis leaf =(

Subbed, hoping things turn around for you. I'm anxious to see others growing this strain. :)

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
LMAO..... I apologize for that laughter, bro !
But that cat FUCKED them plants UP !
I love me some cats (Siamese) but weed is like catnip to their asses ! lol
When you harvest, I'd lock his little bad ass in the closet with me and smoke him/her the FUCK OUT ! lmao
My cat and dog love my shit too when it's vegging, but when it's dried and cured, the cat climbs his 9ft post and the dog barks and growls whenever I try to put a BIG DANK ASS NUG to their noses !! roflmfao

They will bounce back.
The one with severe trauma, you may have to take a clone and grow that.
It'll be better for yield and overall growth over the long run.

Jesus Moosh

Well-Known Member
My misses went out into the garden this morning to hang out some washing, and found a pile of dog poo with cannabis leaves in it. I didn't think it was the cat as its not happen before. I am looking after a friends bitch cos she is on heat and her dad keeps mounting her and he doesn't want any mutant pups. But she stopped bleeding last week And she is goin home tonite which fucks me off cos if she went home last week it wouldn't of happened. My dog takes no notice of my grow, same as the cat and the only thing that's different is my mates bitch


Active Member
Ouch! So I know to keep animals away!

Where do you vent out with the carbon filter setup? That's where I'm confused

Jesus Moosh

Well-Known Member
LMAO..... I apologize for that laughter, bro !
But that cat FUCKED them plants UP !
I love me some cats (Siamese) but weed is like catnip to their asses ! lol
When you harvest, I'd lock his little bad ass in the closet with me and smoke him/her the FUCK OUT ! lmao
My cat and dog love my shit too when it's vegging, but when it's dried and cured, the cat climbs his 9ft post and the dog barks and growls whenever I try to put a BIG DANK ASS NUG to their noses !! roflmfao

They will bounce back.
The one with severe trauma, you may have to take a clone and grow that.
It'll be better for yield and overall growth over the long run.
Yea I'm definately gonna smoke the cat out!! And the fucked plant has lots of new growth so i think its gonna be alrite (hopefully)

Where do you vent out with the carbon filter setup? That's where I'm confused
I have it venting out to the window but when winter starts setting in I'll have it venting into house.

So today i had a quick look at the plants and it looks like they havent gone into shock at all and there is lots of new growth on all plants!! Still i think i might pull the badly damaged one out and veg it a bit longer i'll see what the growth is like when i flip them to flower.

Also got a very nice email back from nirvana

Thanks for your message.
I understand you have already read thew news about the AF strains:
The horrible thing about this matter, is that some breeders experience lots of problems with the AF seeds, but the majority doesn't. That's the most frustrating thing about this. If all customers experienced the (same) problems with the seeds, we would know more than we do now.
What we do know, is that you can switch to 18/6 or 16/8 lightcycle. The plants will flower, it just takes longer.
Anyways, I will transfer points to your account to make up for the problems you have with this strains. You can decide how you wish to spend these points.
Again, sorry for the inconvenience.

So I am very happy with that, a free pack of seeds...HAPPY DAYS. I also will carry using nirvana because its not having problems thats the issue its how you deal with the problem and i believe nirvana have acted swiftly and fairly.

Pics tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Actually, cannabis plants can survive some pretty serious lacerations and abuse. Just ask one that's had its whole stalk snapped in half, but then mended back together. They'll do that if you do it quickly enough. But bottom line is that if the root system has a way to a few leaves, you're good. Just take good care of her and she'll reward you with a recovery. :)

Jesus Moosh

Well-Known Member
Right on !
Glad those babies are so vigorous !
Yeah I'm glad they're vigorous too,

Actually, cannabis plants can survive some pretty serious lacerations and abuse. Just ask one that's had its whole stalk snapped in half, but then mended back together. They'll do that if you do it quickly enough. But bottom line is that if the root system has a way to a few leaves, you're good. Just take good care of her and she'll reward you with a recovery. :)
hopefully they will reward me with some dank bud.

So today i bought a dual outlet pump, my current pumps just aint cutting it. This is the reason, I think, that growth has not been as quick as my other grows, or it might be the strain. I dunno?

Also does anyone think I should keep the nute schedule the same because of the damage over the weekend. I was planning on increasing the feed but i dont want to give them nute burn.

Pics tonite after work

Jesus Moosh

Well-Known Member
So today I installed the new air pump and now both tanks are bubbling nicely. I am thinking I may get two new airstones to attach to the old pumps and put one in each tank to really stir it up in there but i dont know if that will be too powerful or not? The size difference of the new pump compared to my other pumps is massive.
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I also took the plunge and added some more nutes, 3/4's of the recomended dose, we will see what happens nute burn wise although by this stage i would be feeding full nutes on my other grows.

I am going to leave the SCROG screen until a week sunday and if the most damage plant isnt at the right height i'll pull it out and and move it into a small system of its own and then grow using LST.

So with my points that nirvana gave me to "Spend as I please" I plan to buy nirvana snow white fems. I have a hard time getting my girlfriend interested in my grow yet she smokes more weed than I do. When I told her i got free points she said she wanted to pick the strain, I said yes because she has put up with alot over the last 10 months or so with failed grows and heavy electric bills. I wanted to check the strain out before sayin yes (once bitten, twice shy). I've read good things about snow white and I am looking forward to growing it. I will probably order the seeds on week 7 of flowering so they will be ready to go straight into the tent when I harvest the NL AF.

All plants are doing well no signs of shock, they are all getting bushy. The most serverely damaged plant is sprouting more new growth every day and is a real trooper.
Heres some pics
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Jesus Moosh

Well-Known Member
Had a quick peep at ladies, and there has been a growth explosion since last nite. I don't know wether it's the new airpump or if it's the nutes I added last night(a mixture of both I think). They are all looking very healthy but I think I may have a touch of heat stress but I installed a second fan last night so I am hoping that may sort it out.

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
Judging from the size of that old pump, I'd have to say it's the increased oxygen levels from the new pump no doubt.
Come a week from now, they should be at least 3 inches taller.

Glad this grow is working out for you.
Just listen to the plants and your instincts.
The lady will get involved more, especially when ya'll are trimming that dank together !
She'll be hooked then. And smart move with letting her pick the new beans !
VERY wise move my man ! +REP

Jesus Moosh

Well-Known Member
Yea i think it could be increased oxygen levels and cheers for the rep man

So I thought I'd upload a few pics of my first grow which was power Africa. This is a cross between Durban poison/skunk/haze. I bought what I thought were 5 femminised seeds from eBay(it was a big mistake). I gave one seed to a friend and germed the other 4. 3 of those sprouted a tap root and they went into rockwool in a propagator. Only 1 took. I vegged for nearly 7 weeks because I wanted the yield and then flip to flowering. It started to grow male pollen sacks but as i was novice I ran with it hoping it was female. It was on 12/12 for 3 weeks before I bit the bullet and chopped it. But it was a beast as you can see
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Not much to report on the current grow just steady growth every where. will post pics tomorrow.


Active Member
You said you had nute burn with your seedlings but i thought you weren't supposed to feed them until after 3 weeks. Also what is the spec on your pump and can you post a weekly feeding schedule?


Very nice grow. I am a new comer to this crazy hobby and its been great reading your post. I have some questions for ya.

I have mine growing in the little rockwool cubes - I see you use the stones? Do you like those more?

The 2 300 watt clfs are very nice. I just ordered 3 100 watt cfls. Should I of went with bigger?

Sorry for the questions. its the only way I learn.

Jesus Moosh

Well-Known Member
You said you had nute burn with your seedlings but i thought you weren't supposed to feed them until after 3 weeks.
I feed lightly for the first the 2 weeks, as you will see in the schedule below

Also what is the spec on your pump
210 l/h upto 250l

can you post a weekly feeding schedule?

Seedlings Early Sprouts (First 7 days from being placed in rockwool)

[FONT=&quot]NUTE [/FONT]DOSE (ml/L)[FONT=&quot]
Micro [/FONT][FONT=&quot]0.25
[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Grow [/FONT][FONT=&quot]0.25[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
Bloom [/FONT][FONT=&quot]0.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]1[/FONT]
Early Vegging/Full Veg[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Early Vegging 300 to 400ppm[/FONT]
Start of the second week i give the plants a 1/4 dose of nutes every two days for a week untill im up to a full dose of nutes
MICRO 0.5ml/L
GROW 0.5ml/L
[FONT=&quot]BLOOM [/FONT]0.1ml/L

[FONT=&quot] After they have had a full dose i then give a full dose of nutes(see table below) each week of veg.
[/FONT][FONT=&quot]NUTE[/FONT][FONT=&quot] (ml/L)[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
Micro[/FONT][FONT=&quot] 2[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
Grow[/FONT][FONT=&quot] 2[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
Bloom[/FONT][FONT=&quot] 0.4[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Early Blooming [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Early Blooming 750 to 950ppm[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] (ml/L)[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
Micro[/FONT][FONT=&quot] 2[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
Grow[/FONT][FONT=&quot] 2[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
Bloom[/FONT][FONT=&quot] 0.4[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot] (ml/L)[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
Micro[/FONT][FONT=&quot] 0.84[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
Grow[/FONT][FONT=&quot] 1.77[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
Bloom[/FONT][FONT=&quot] 2.5[/FONT]
Full Mature Bloom[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Full Mature Blooms 1000 to 1600ppm[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]For the next 6 weeks i will feed as the table below[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
[FONT=&quot] (ml/L)[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
Micro[/FONT][FONT=&quot] 1.11[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
Grow[/FONT][FONT=&quot] 2.22[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
Bloom[/FONT][FONT=&quot] 3.33[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]The Week Before Flush[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
[FONT=&quot] (ml/L)[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
Micro[/FONT][FONT=&quot] 0.4[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
Grow[/FONT][FONT=&quot] 0.7[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
Bloom[/FONT][FONT=&quot] 1[/FONT]

And then Flush.

I hopes this helps.

Also I have not stuck to this on this grow as the week i was going to start to increase nutes, the grow got eaten by my friends dog:wall:. So i added 3/4 of a dose on thursday and they are going to get a full dose on sunday. There was slight nute burn right at the begining of the grow nothing major. Some people dont like to feed before 3 weeks, some people do, both have reported good results.

I currently have a nute burn problem on the most damaged plant atm, nothing major, but the other plant in that system needs the higher concentration of nutes. I think I'm going to buy some advanced nutrients cal/mag next week, i think i might also have a deficiency, we will see how the cash flow goes. I've just paid my landlord double rent this month so i dont have to pay any rent at the end of this month which means i have more cash for amsterdam at the begining of november. but apart from that all is well with the grow seen lots of new growth.

I'll get pics up tommorrow.

Jesus Moosh

Well-Known Member
Very nice grow. I am a new comer to this crazy hobby and its been great reading your post.
Cheers mate, I'm hoping this time I can actually smoke summin

I have mine growing in the little rockwool cubes - I see you use the stones? Do you like those more?
I also grow in rockwool. I put the seeds when the tap root has sprouted into 1" rockwool cubes(see the pic below) the black plastic thing the rockwool is in, in the pic, is the tray they come in and i cut it up. They are in the self watering progator at this point.
View attachment 1188139
I leave them in the self watering propagator untill i could see about 1/4" of root hanging out the bottom of the rockwool then I placed them into the dwc. I put 1 layer of hydroton (the stones you are talking about) at the bottom of the netpot, place the rockwool in and build the hydroton around it and then ontop of it untill the hydroton is level with the top of the netpot.

The hydroton acts as soil so the roots have some thing to hold onto so the plant has support. Obviously you cant use soil in a dwc system.

The 2 300 watt clfs are very nice. I just ordered 3 100 watt cfls. Should I of went with bigger?
The more lights you have the better for lumens, 3x100w lights would give off more lumens than 1x300w so your better with what got atm. Whats your setup?

Sorry for the questions. its the only way I learn.
Dont worry mate thats the whole point of RIU, to share knowledge and previous expirences so everyone can grow some dank bud. I'm still a bit of a novice my self. I dont have a succesful grow under my belt yet. Hoping this is the one.

I hope this helps

Jesus Moosh

Well-Known Member

Jesus Moosh

Well-Known Member
So I gave them a full dose of nutes today 2ml/L of micro and grow, 0.4ml/L of bloom. Ph 5.8 so I'm happy with that. Not much else to report apart from this browning is gettin worse but only on two leaves? gonna try to get some cal/mag this week. Oh and i have to move out begining of december...moving the grow shouldn't be a problem, its finding somewhere which can accommodate this grow and future ones.

Jesus Moosh

Well-Known Member
It does get lonley some times on this forum, anyways..........

Today i bought a litre of advanced nutrients SensiCAL/MG-grow. I also bought some more advanced nutrients grow and bloom. They should come thursday hopefully if not definately friday.

The browning/yellowing is starting to spread to other leaves and also on the other two plants in that system. I hope this CAL/MG sorts it out. The two plants in other system are fine, slight yellowing on the tips on one of them which i know is nute burn from earlier in the grow.

Apart from the browning issue the ladies are doin really well. The biggest plant has really took off but it is only the average size of the plants at this stage of my other grows. I am blaming this on the "Dog Munching" issue as the biggest plant was the least affective. The others are lagging behind comparing to past expirences but there is new growth every day.

Anyway here are some pics
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