Nirvana NL auto fem @10 1/2 weeks, weak high


Active Member
Hi all,
I have the above going outside and one of them had a broken side branch (might have been from me walking past it in the dark), so I cut off the branch and dried some out using the microwave/water vapor technique and I found the high to be very weak. The trycs are currently about half clear half cloudy.
Has anybody else got this year's strain going? If so how are your results? I read that around 2009 these got bad reviews for low potency, but then they got the strain sorted out and the last couple years the potency was good.

I did 6 weeks indoors under about 150 Watts of CFL, then put them outside. They flowered at 4 weeks. They have been outside about 4 1/2 weeks now. From what I understand they should be about 2 weeks from done. I guess my only option is to watch them and see how it develops.


Active Member
did you give it nutes if so what brand how many got the ppm mesure of your grow ?

At about 1 week into flowering (week 5) I used a 15-30-15 fertilizer, then again at 8 weeks.

They came up and flowered nice, but the high right now is like 2-3 with 5 hits, and then it fades fast. Yield looks like about 20g/plant. 50g will probably last me a year, so I'm digging the concept of an 18" high, 3 month plant.


Well-Known Member
did you go full strength cause auto are sensitive to nutes and you need to start something like 1/4 strength and built up slowly to recommended nutes if you did start with the full dosage it might have stunt them btw you got pic ?


Active Member
what do the buds look like ?
does it look done ?
has it shed its fan leaves yet ?
I checked today after about a week from my last sample. Now 100% milky trycs. Buds do not look done yet. Fan leaves still in place. I took one lower stem/flower. Buzz is considerably stronger now, so I guess false alarm. I'm surprised at the difference a week makes.


Well-Known Member
also its hard to tell from a microwave quick dry
i use a brown paper bag just stick it in then smoke it the next day bag keeps it from drying to fast
like the name :p was reading on the god particle the other day