Nirvana Misty grow With Pics


Well-Known Member
Not tall, perhaps in a 15litre pot....4ft highest one.

Remember LST the plants when young and its almost like that put MORE energy into growing, it really is unreal. However the one i didnt LST when young that alone harvested 1 1/2 oz dry! Perhaps its just keeps the plant a little more controlled, and better looking!


Well-Known Member
I have searched and searched and you the first one I've seen.
Lots of early misty but no misty. so I'm looking foreword to your grow.
haha im in the same boat as you guys! Misty doesnt seem like a very popular strain to grow which is weird because it has such a high THC content and its so easy to grow aswell!
i currently have two 5'4 Misty plants and ive been looking everywhere for other peoples Misty diaries to compare etc.
ps, congrats on the grow, looks SO nice!!
Peace bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I thought its about time someone did a misty grow journal!!

The stuff absolutely batters you!! hehe


New Member
nice... ima try lsting when i get my grow started... im getting the lights today i just need to know were to get soil and how to mail internationally for seeds !!

hopefully lst i can keep them under 2 - 2 1/2 feet .. if not those things are gonna get strung to the floor cuz i only got 3 ft vertical :) ... anyways ill start a grow journal as soon as i get my things.. week or so if i can get 1 1/2 oz dry a plant i will be in heaven


Well-Known Member
yo did u harvest these plants yet? how much yield was there if u remember?
mine are still in flower and will be for at least another two weeks, I'm getting some pics up as soon as i find my camera cable!


Well-Known Member
1.5oz! niiiiice
hoping for about the same, but mine have gone a bit outa control, more like 6' now!
peace out bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to remember the high - im sure it was quite sativa influenced, so up but still stoned due to the indica in her.
Got a massive yield off em, only 3 plants couldnt believe it


Well-Known Member
LOADSA OJ hairs, sticky, for some reason camera will not pick up oj hairs??!?!!

smell amazing and loadsa bud!
they dont look ripe enough man, like matey said on the last wall, most the pistils are still white - these could have done with an extra 3 weeks. plus i culdnt see yellow leaves :/ nice grow though, massive buds good job


Well-Known Member
god i hope you didnt chop yet those still are developing!
thats what i thought, the pistils are bright white and the fan leaves are still deep green. If these got you stoned, if u waited 3 more weeks and you would have been near comatised


Well-Known Member
theyve now turned their misty into 'medusa' incase u lookin for it again. i think im gonna try it out next