(Nirvana)Mango skunk vs Bagseed

Shes swelled since my last photos and i haven't seen a thrip in days! I flushed her yesterday. She's in a 7 gallon pot and i flushed with about 8 gallon of water. I will only be providing the plant with ph'd water from now on.. i see more amber trichs now and this plant will be getting the chop very soon20180605_142123.jpg 20180605_142144.jpg 20180605_142800.jpg 20180605_143033.jpg
I know it isnt over yet..the most important part lies ahead.. From an experienced growers point of view, how does my plant look. Did i fuck up or do great for a first timer? Maybe average?.
I'd go one more week. Even if it's still throwing white pistils, it's almost there. Any longer and you risk self pollination. I think your mango skunk did amazing bro. It's a shame your aurora stunted because that strain is a good thick indica with great bud/leaf ratio. Let me know how mango-y it tastes. I'm getting ready to transplant my four into 8 gallon pots then let them go one more week before I initialize flowering. I've found transplanting then immediately changing lights often causes hermaphrodites.
And yes the hard part is just beginning. Drying and curing is a toughy sometimes. Jar too early, it can mold. Jar too late and you lose all moisture reclaim and get dry buds. Honestly though I prefer a little drier now, because tossing a whole jar of buds because of mold makes me cry....
From here down ; unknown strain
Im starting to see a bit of purpling here and there.. havent seen a thrip in a while , they seem to have moved on.. been providing her with water only. She'd definitely getting chubbier and she's DEFINITELY coming down around the 21st of this month

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From here down we've got our Aurora indica. She smelly as hell and i like it. Its a spicy/fruity/deisel aroma all in one.. Shes very dense and im glad i pollinated a few branches as I'd like to pass these genetics on and keep it around in the garden. She is still receiving regular nutrients every watering and still has a bit of time b4 harvest.
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Its always better to go longer if you can, but sometimes when the ladies are looking so good its hard to keep them in there as long...ps great grow!!
Its always better to go longer if you can, but sometimes when the ladies are looking so good its hard to keep them in there as long...ps great grow!!
I agree 100% .. I've been trying my best to be patient.. i just keep telling myself that ill have to wait either way when you factor in the drying and curing time. But thank you, im feeling good about the grow and actually excited for the 2nd grow op!
You can see the purpling a bit more, so i decided to take some pictures for shits n giggles

Below: The sativa
20180614_101304.jpg not sure about the strain but shes definitely purpling. The leaves are starting to yellow. The flush is going well
20180614_101316.jpg 20180614_101322.jpgBelow yiu can really see the purple.. my tent isnt cool in the least. I was NOT expecting this but i love purple buds so its just a bonus, the icing on the cake 20180614_101354.jpg I really wish i could provide a strain name.. She isnt really all that smelly to ne honest. Its a good smell but it isnt overpowering. Id actually say it smells weak .. good for stealth growing, whatever it is20180614_101405.jpgBelow is Aurora Indica. VERY pungent odor. Smells like its going to be some "knock you off your ass and blow you away" herb. 20180614_101344.jpgIts a shame she got stunted early on.. Look at those trichomes!! They go to the very tip of the bigger fan leaves and she's only halfway through flower.. i will be ordering more Aurora indica seeds from nirvana20180614_101331.jpg
I've spotted a few nanners and a significant amount of amber trichomes on my bigger girl. Its time. I will probably chop all the main and allow some of the lower buds ro ripen. Maybe.. Im going to do it right before lights on and hang em up to dry. I might start flush the aurora indica next week and provide a week or 2 of pure H2o, ph'd to 5.5-6.0 for the coco/perlite medium. Thats all she wrote.. ill post pics of the buds when its all dried and cured. Thanks for all your help.. hope to see you on my next run, which should be great
Cbopping in 1 hour ..had to get up early sp i can chop just b4 lights on.
I chopped 1 of the biggest tops yesterday.. it jad a tiny section of budrot so immediately chopped off that bud and removed the rotted part which was like a gram or two.. i caught it just im time.. drying amd curing tips would be appreciated. Ive never actually made it this far
Ok she's down.. i know this isnt a great picture but ill have better ones soon.. looks like my fathers day is also harvest day. Let the drying begin.. happy fathers to all who celebrate it20180617_063010.jpg
All and all i feel like i chopped at the right time.. gonna start germinating for the next grow. Ill update what im going to grow and then start a new journal