nirvana hydro. FWW & FWC

Yesterday germinated seeds (1 fem. white widow- 1 fem white castle) within 24 hour period our beans had cracked. Ill be using fox farm nutes. and a 400 watt hps lamp. transferring into jiffy tabs today. will put in hydro system in a few days. light schedule will be 18/6. also these are nirvana beans. (first time purchaser from this bank.) have heard negative feed back, but amped to prove wrong. :bigjoint: grab a seat will have new updates weekly maybe more. will try and some pictures of my op up soon.

Gonna be a fun ride guys.....bongsmilieim a joker, im a smoker, im a midnight toker.
almost week 2 nice sprouts.........already in DWC. with 400w hps 3 1/2 ft. above with a fan on 12 out of 24 hours.....lights are on 18/6......if any body sees anything wrong so far please fill free to help out...... i have the water 1in into the net pot and i pour a lil water down 3 times a day morn. lounch. dinner. also when do i go full strength on the nutes.? they seem like they are growing slow they are 2 weeks old and they have there first main leaves and you can see the second set coming in.
ok need some help my WC is turnin a lil yellow.....and WW leaves are starting to point up????? what do i do i thought i might be my nutes. so i sort of flushed with fresh filtered water did that with both plant....check my p.h. i was 5.5 temp. 71 deg. F. hum. 47%-63% will try to get some pics........rem first time grow don't laugh to hard over some of my dumb. ?'s or if something is wrong in the pic fill free to let me know....THANX
to give update.... plants almost 3 weeks old and not much size to them? not even any root sign on the bottom of the net pots..... i am 100% almost lost did everything to my power to get them goin better and i am thinkin i am goin to lose is everything goin on see whats wrong...... lights: on 18 off 6.... 400w hps 3 1/2 ft. above plants cfls about 1 1/2 ft. away... air have a fan on most of the day off at night.... starters germ. seeds put in jeffy pods till sprouts then planted in DWC pot and since the roots don't touch water yet i top feed 3 times a day (small amounts maybe 1/2 cup a day) i did start nutes but very very weak.....and with the DWC have 3 gal bucket with one air stone each with a two hose air pump pushin 1.7 psi. .....nutes are fm grow, bloom, tiger .......also no co2 did not think its a big enough grow for two plants..... ANY help would be great.... thanx....