Nirvana Bubblelicious Waterfarm Scrog in a Secret Jardin Tent 600 Watts


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry to hear that about Nirvana, as they have some nice strains and they guarantee germination. You picked the right 2 out of 3 in mo though :)


Well-Known Member
I just cut off a leaf from the top of a plant. The leaf was loaded with sugar. My purpose of taking the leaf was to study the trichomes and try to determine how we are doing. Near the stem, there is virtually little room left for any new trichomes. They are packed pretty tight. About 95% of them are clear. Roughly 4.9% are cloudy and I spotted about one amber head per 2-3k. I'm going to harvest a little bit sooner than I normally do with this strain. In the past, I've allowed it 9-10 weeks to flower to develop that rich golden color of amber. The high is narcotic, induces couch lock and lack of motivation. While I do enjoy this strain before bed, I don't like to smoke it in the middle of the day unless I have absolutely nothing to do.

By harvesting with the majority of the trichomes clear, I can assure that I'm not contributing to a higher CBN count. That is what gives the burned out feeling, like a pot hangover. CBNs counter the effect of the psychoactive THC. They act as a balance. If you allow the trichomes to turn amber, the THC has degraded, and produced CBNs. I changed my line of thinking after reading the March issue of High Times. I will be practicing selective harvesting. I will only take ripe buds. Buds that look like they might still develop will be given more time to do so. March 5th will be the end of 8 weeks of 12/12.

I'm beginning to wish I hadn't gone out on a limb and predicted 21 ounces. Not long after I made that post, plant #2 started to develop signs of a deficiency. She has had her res changed out twice and her condition continues to deteriorate. This is the same plant that struggled to keep up with growth in the early stages. She appears to be deficient in calcium and magnesium, so it isn't PH, as those micro nutrients are on opposite sides of the PH chart for hydro growers. I've had her to 1400 ppm and she goes for days just wanting fresh water top offs without much difference in the ppm. I think I have two phenotypes going. One is healthy as hell, and will easily do 10-14 ounces on her own. That is Babylicious, and she has about 65-70% of the ScrOG to herself. The second plant did not branch much and the main stems are much taller and stretched. The buds don't look like they are going to fill in. The top sun leaves are damaged from calcium and mag shortage.

I have tried to get the plant back on track with a res change twice. I was sure that the cal-mag in the mix was used up, but I was still reading 1300 ppms. The new water and mix was brought to 1400. There are no burnt tips. The PH has fluctuated, but not much. I'm writing it off to it being a weaker phenotype that got in with my beans. If it gives me 4 ounces I'll be ecstatic. One of the 5 clones made it and has reverted to veg. I'm hoping it came off of the first plant, for obvious reasons. I didn't label. At the time, I thought I had two strong plants. I learned a lesson there and will always mark clones in the future.

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Well-Known Member
Nice collection of trichromes. Seeing that just makes me that much more excited to grow this strain.

I can't wait for my beans....


Well-Known Member
Anyone who has grown this strain will tell you that you made an excellent choice when you picked them up. I will tell you up front, finding a pink or actual bubble gum flavor pheno is rare. In the 10-15 seeds I have gone through, I haven't ran across it yet, but I've read about it and know it exists. Supposedly, there is a phenotype that will give you pinkish buds, like the old Topps bubble gum. While the flavour is sweet and intoxicating, It doesn't remind me or my buddies of bubble gum.

Nice collection of trichromes. Seeing that just makes me that much more excited to grow this strain.

I can't wait for my beans....


Well-Known Member
Do you grow reg or fem? Most told me to buy fem do to my grow area.

I am looking forward to something different than what I can get now. The bagseed that I grow is good, but it's the same bud that I buy so it's still the same, for the most part. I think he rushes the dry and cure.

And one last thing about the thread.... You give great explaination in what you do. Most don't.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the compliment. I try to explain what I'm doing in some detail, so I have something to write about. :) I enjoy keeping a journal and interacting with other RIU members. I started with strictly fem seeds, but now that Spring is coming, I'm germinating 10 regular Mango seeds and 10 Dankee Doodle seeds. My goal is to get one good mother from each. Everything else will go outside and I may even seclude a male in another room of the house and let it flower. I'd like to get some seeds for future projects.

Bag seed is great for learning to grow, just don't expect great genetics to pop out at ya.

Do you grow reg or fem? Most told me to buy fem do to my grow area.

I am looking forward to something different than what I can get now. The bagseed that I grow is good, but it's the same bud that I buy so it's still the same, for the most part. I think he rushes the dry and cure.

And one last thing about the thread.... You give great explaination in what you do. Most don't.


Well-Known Member
Good to here you still gonna post, I want to see Bubblelicious when its done. Nirvana left a very sour taste in my mouth after I had two PPP with my Red Diesil and my Sharks Breath, well one of the PPP's poped a giant nutsac and pollinated the shit out of everything, and then the PPP's got all fickle with the nutrients and they had crazy nutrient problems and riddled with seeds. What a horrible time that was, but the Red Diesil was amazing even after getting pollinated.


Well-Known Member
LOL.... nice to see ya again buddy. I hope when I start dabbling in breeding that I have the luck you do producing pollen. ;)


Active Member
Thank's for hanging Serapis as I personaly have taken your advice and things are happening as you have stated throughout your posts. By the way I wish I had the space that you have and could make it work as well as you do.


Well-Known Member
I have a dilemma and I'd appreciate some feedback......

The buds directly under the 600w HPS lamp look ripe. The pistils are turning and about 30-40% of the trichs are cloudy. I'm contemplating taking a few of the tall buds directly under the light that have the same traits. I checked trichomes yesterday on a leaf not under the light and most of the trichs are clear. The strain is supposed to be 8-10 weeks and we are just starting week 7 now. The plants were mature and showing flowers when I started 12/12. Can these center buds possibly be done already? Pics coming in a few....


Well-Known Member
nice looking buds dude. id cut just the ones that are done, when they finish that is. thats what i plan on doing atleast. harvest the plant in 2 or maybe 3 parts. that way the lower buds get some more light to finish.


Well-Known Member
As sung by Guns-n-Roses.... JUST A LITTLE PATIENCE....

Why not wait until they ARE ready? There is no reason to cut them is there?? Maybe wait it out for a few more days??? A week????


Well-Known Member
Those center/more mature buds look like they still have a ton of weight potential, you'll be sacrificing a few o's if your not patient!


Well-Known Member
The problem is, if I wait for all of the buds to be ready, the large colas in the middle will have gone amber by then, losing a lot of THC. It's not a matter of patience, I have two jars full from my last harvest. ;) I just don't want my THC turning to shit. I like the selective harvesting idea so far... I don't know what else to do...

As sung by Guns-n-Roses.... JUST A LITTLE PATIENCE....

Why not wait until they ARE ready? There is no reason to cut them is there?? Maybe wait it out for a few more days??? A week????


Well-Known Member
The last thing I want to do is chop early. Again, it's not a matter of patience. I'm not a 19 year old dude dying to get high... I'm a grown up, have two jars of fine smoke beside me. :) I guess maybe I wasn't clear earlier, I'm afraid of losing thc if the buds are left to develop. At least 50% of the trichs are already cloudy here in week 7, some have started to go amber. Pistisl are receeding, but this strain has some staying power if you let it, she'll regen calyx and pistils if you let her and never look ripe, but the THC will be degraded if you let the flowers go too long.

I'm going to try and get a microscope shot of the trichomes up.

Those center/more mature buds look like they still have a ton of weight potential, you'll be sacrificing a few o's if your not patient!


Well-Known Member
The problem is, if I wait for all of the buds to be ready, the large colas in the middle will have gone amber by then, losing a lot of THC. It's not a matter of patience, I have two jars full from my last harvest. ;) I just don't want my THC turning to shit. I like the selective harvesting idea so far... I don't know what else to do...
If the trichs were 30-40% cloudy when you last checked the colas you want to cut, why not wait 2 or 3 days? I get your point about the amber trichs, I just took a 12" cola off my tallest plant @51 days of flower. The trichs are about 50/50 clear/cloudy. I now have my light a foot closer to the other 2 girls and the topped girl which is a bonus of taking this spear...DSCN2566.jpg


Well-Known Member
There is a new school of thinking that if the trich's are allowed to go cloudy, they are in the process of losing potency. The March HT had an article that the guy said testing has been done and they found clear trichomes are the most desired, we should not be waiting for more cloudy trichs or amber for that matter.


Well-Known Member
So would that mean that plants could be ready as early as 4 or 5 weeks? Hmmm....

One of my plants is no where near ready... I should go pluck a nug and test this on my own....


Well-Known Member
You'll want to still stay as close to schedule as you can.... Just don't let them get all milky.