Nirvana Blackjack Yeilds and Smoke report, 400w, soil, tent grow


Active Member
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Brief rundown on setup:
400w MH (veg) 400w HPS flowering
FFOF & light warroir soil mix, with perlite, lime added
FF grow big, big bloom, tiger bloom, bat guano and heavy weight carbs
4.3 gallon airpots, Glow labs GL120 tent (48x48x78)
Vegged 5-6 weeks, flowered for 78 days

Ok, its been 8-9 days since I had my harvest. I let the buds dry in my tent for 4 days untill they started to feel a bit crispy on the outside edges, then a final inspection-trimming to remove some of the stems and into the jars they go. I have been removing them from the jars twice a day for a brief air out then back into the jars they go. I would say that they are getting very close to thier final dry weight..........and I can now let them stay in the jars without worrying about any mold or rot issues.....but still opening jars once a day for a quick air exchange. I had taken a few buds off the week or two prior to the main harvest and those are now cured and smoking nice.

The smoke so far is best discribed as thick and heavy, with a floral taste that will make you smack your lips. I think its only going to get better as it cures a bit longer. This weed is a creeper, you take a hit or three and say "what the F, I dont feel shit" then 10-15min later your so stoned you forget who you are...LOL The high is a combo of heady and body but leans a bit more on the body side. The high seems to last awhile, a few good rips and your good to go for an hour or more. (that comming from someone who smokes everday, sometimes all day) I have only sampled the buds from one plant, and I must say that the others do look a bit only time will tell if they all smoke the same. I will follow up with a detailed smoke report after a few more weeks of curing. I will say these are the most dense buds I have ever grown, some of them feel like rocks:)

I thought I would post some pic's of them at different times of flowering as well as all jared up.....and yes they are all full of nice, dense, sticky, stinky buds. I weighed them up last night so I do have an estimated harvest weight, even if I know they might dry out a bit more from curing, I really dont think its going to effect the final weight by more than a few%

Anyone what to guess the yield?

Would like to hear some guess before I post the final number:)

This was my 3rd indoor grow and by far and away the best yeild to date.

Stlmatt bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Nice grow matt. I have some Nirvana BJ beans that I'm waiting to pop. Got to get the grow box complete before I pop them. What was your germ rate on them? Oh and I'm assuming about 1 lb if not more.


Well-Known Member
Haha, I just seen your other thread about this harvest, and found at the end you said 470g with a few more weeks of curing. But at 470g it is a lb. lol. I was right. Well awesome grow and good yield. I'll be doing mine with 2 600w HPSs, so when I get it up and going I'll let you know and then we can compare yields.


Active Member
Nice grow matt. I have some Nirvana BJ beans that I'm waiting to pop. Got to get the grow box complete before I pop them. What was your germ rate on them? Oh and I'm assuming about 1 lb if not more.
Germ was 5 for 5, I only had room for 4 so I gave one away to a friend who grows. Nirvana so far is 10 for 10 on my last grow AK 48 was 5 for 5 too. I am hoping thier Sterling Haze as the same results.

Yes you are correct (1lb+), I was really surprised as I thought it was going to be a great yeild I just didnt think it was going to be this good.....considering I am only using a 400w light and my last grow (ak48) was about 10oz. I was very surprised by how dense the buds were.....not all of them are rock hard buds but everything in the top canopy was very very dense. I would grow this again for sure.

Alright, here goes. Last night I went and opened all the jars and removed all the buds and let them sit in the open air for about half hour. I just wanted to make sure they were dry enough to get an accurate weight, and I think they are. Im sure I will lose a few % in the next few curing weeks, but overall this is what I ended up with.

Total weight = 470 grams (each of the 5 large jars contain 65-75g and the smalls average 20g)


Well-Known Member
Sorry for spoiling the surprise weight on this thread STL. But yeah that's awesome. I plan on using 2 600w HPSs in a box and hoping to get at least lb off each. I know my hopes are set high, but I'd settle for at least 2 lbs dry weight in the end. Which method did you use to germ them?