Nicotine contaminated marijuana?

I been smoking around my plants for 15 years, and during the night cycle to boot. The only ill effect I've noticed is cigarette smoke will shorten your carbon filters life, as well as your own.
I was told to sprinkle a little bit of tobacco on the top of the pot to help scare off spider mites anyone else ever heard of this and do you think it would hurt the plant
I do smoke in my room / tent when watering or working on them and never had any issues but never put it on the top of soil buddy of mine siad he does this to get rid of spider mites on his normal house plants and he claims it works anyone have any input on weather it would work or hurt the cannabis plant??
sounds abit like Bro Science - heard this claim a few times regarding Cannabis .
So far, the incidence of this condition have not been proven - only reported - in cannabis plants. However, the news is not good if you suspect your plant has become infected. There is no cure. An infected plant will have TMV forever. Your main goal, in other words, is to find the infected plants and remove them from the grow. TMV appears to spread via contact. As viruses can also be present in pollen and seeds, they can live for a long time in a grow room. They can survive on grow room equipment, carpets, soil, and dead plant matter.
That is why it is also essential to immediately quarantine and remove any plant you suspect is infected, pronto. Be sure to fully sanitize all grow room surfaces of any TMV traces before starting your next grow cycle.
If you smoke cannabis or tobacco, you run the risk of carrying the virus on your hands. As such, it is a good idea to always wash your hands before coming into contact with any plants.
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I do smoke in my room / tent when watering or working on them and never had any issues but never put it on the top of soil buddy of mine siad he does this to get rid of spider mites on his normal house plants and he claims it works anyone have any input on weather it would work or hurt the cannabis plant??
It’s a good way to expose a plant to TMV (tobacco mosaic virus) which will spread to clippings and seeds.

People have had to scrap genetics and start over because of it. I’d avoid keeping tobacco anywhere near the grow room (heavy smoker myself, but always outside, don’t need any tar build up in the tent room or extra dust/diseases.)
in short, the cons outweigh the pros, I’d avoid it.
I once smoked a cig around here. Next thing I knowe every living thing in a 50kmh radius died.....Im not sure but i think its connected....
Funny, was just reading about tomatos and the guy said smokers should wash hands before touching the plants to prevent tmv