NickNasty's First Guerrilla Grow 2010 - Its going to be big (hopefully)


Well-Known Member
I may end up buying a trimmer if this grow goes well, I could use one now anyways. And yeah guerrilla growing is hard but at least Im getting a nice tan :eyesmoke: And to think I call myself lazy :peace: bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah! You deserve a new tatt for the occasion :leaf:

Awesome grow nick. jerk up those sick ones and reuse those holes while you have time.

+rep to you :weed:


Well-Known Member
your going to get much quicker and better results with three 600's vs two 1000's.
Yeah I already had 2 600 watt lumetek's and I prefer them over the 1000's mainly because of heat issues as 2 of my grow rooms are in my attic.


Well-Known Member
Hey Nick you should come on over and join the club 600. Its a Thread/Club for 600 watt growers. Its my hangout. Good peeps an lots of action. Been down since page 3 or 4 myself. Its one of the longest threads on riu. Heres a link.

Those Lumatek ballasts look like the buis. I got some HTG cheapos. They work good though. Say Nick where did ya find those cool hoods. Thats exactley what i need. Peace bra.

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
I love my 600's, lumetek as well. Never had a problem with their ballasts. I love the new ones cause they are dimable. I always have mine set on "high output":blsmoke:


Active Member
I've been looking at lot's of guerilla grow pictures on here lately and I'm wondering why no one seems to use something as fundamental as mulch. It would cut down on your watering big time, ask any experienced gardener. Those cracked dry holes you have the plants in are like fingernails on a chalkboard to my gardening soul. :) Get a bale of straw or some wood chips (the big chunky kind, not sawdust which will set like concrete and actually block water) and put a nice layer completely over the bare dirt. It will cut your watering tremendously and make the plants way less obvious at a glance or from above.


Active Member
I have a question for you long time guerrilla growers its been raining here a lot so when I switch to liquid ferts in July do I just concentrate my nute mix in less water if there already enough water or what . And how often should I feed them if its been raining enough for them?
i just scribed! life time guerrilla grower here. never over fertilize NEVER! NUTE BURN CAN HAPPEN FAST! imagine it has rained alot so you make a concentrated batch and pour it on then it doesn't rain for four days. now you have nute burn. cant be undone.
i am guessing the soil you are using is naturally rich, as black loam is the best. back in illinois where granpa lived, the wild hemp would grow to a height of more than ten ft from the first of june to the middle of august all because the soil is supercharged. OH and btw i am so jealous of your summer rains. where we grow here in the west it is strickly random if any. i predict at least 100 lbs dry yield

ps. dont make trails to your spots if you can avoid it