Nice Strain for a Tropical Country


I've had this talk with my old man last Saturday and he thinks that it's a good idea for me to go back to our homeland, the Philippines, and stay there to manage a business he's going to put up. I grew up in the Philippines and only moved to the states when I was 16. Of course, we made those long trips for Christmas and New Year every couple of years. So I'm quite familiar with the place.

I'm thinking of planting some weed for personal consumption. My gramps has a small piece of land, roughly 10 hectares, about half of it is not utilized given that he's too old to manage the crops. The only things that grow there are bamboos and coconuts, which are rarely harvested. I think it's an ideal spot to plant some weed but I don't know what strains are suitable for the climate. It's quite hot there, 33-34 degrees celius -> 93 in fahrenheit. And since it's tropical, humidity levels are high. Can someone guide me on this?

Suggestions are very much welcome.


Active Member
go to there you can do research to find the strain that best suits your environment. there are tools there that will help tell you your exact climate and all that good stuff. it might take a while to figure it all out. but just keep clicking around till you figure it out and good luck.


Hmmm, thanks a lot mellowman and aseboy. I did some research and looked up chocolope. Reviews about it are quite good. Strongly sativa. I also went and checked out the database you suggested aseboy. I found this highly-rated strain called "Super [FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Thai x Skunk". 140 reviews and not a blemish of red, all green so it must be good. I just hope that this is readily available in Thailand. I know someone who goes in and out of the Philippines through the backdoor leading to Malaysia so transportation is not a problem, availability is. If any strain from Thailand isn't available, I guess I'll just have to try some of the local ones.

My cousin told me that most of the stuff they sell have seeds in them. So maybe I can start from there.


Active Member
Hmmm, thanks a lot mellowman and aseboy. I did some research and looked up chocolope. Reviews about it are quite good. Strongly sativa. I also went and checked out the database you suggested aseboy. I found this highly-rated strain called "Super Thai x Skunk". 140 reviews and not a blemish of red, all green so it must be good. I just hope that this is readily available in Thailand. I know someone who goes in and out of the Philippines through the backdoor leading to Malaysia so transportation is not a problem, availability is. If any strain from Thailand isn't available, I guess I'll just have to try some of the local ones.

My cousin told me that most of the stuff they sell have seeds in them. So maybe I can start from there.

I would consider ordering seeds before you move from an online seed bank. and just tuck them away in a pocket of pants that in the middle of your suit case in the the small pocket in no bag. just order the same seed so you doing get confused. haha. but yea then you would know exactly what it is that your growing.


LOl... I've been thinking about that but quite hesitant airports are quite strict nowadays. I'm thinking buying 7 bags of vegetable seeds and then replacing one pack with cannabis seeds. Ahhh but I'm still hesitant since i'll probably take at least 2 flights, one from the US and the other from Manila to my hometown, so it's quite risky. Plus the airport personnel in Manila are f***n pigs with a dog's nose man lol. Ah well, I'll probably post updates here when I've finally decided on what to do.


Well-Known Member
What's up Ading (little filipino brotha). Its a great idea, especially in the current American economy, to back to the mother island and live a little. Especially when your family has land to tend to. Please be very careful because the punishment in PI can be quite harsh.

If I'm not mistaken, tropical climates are where the hardiest sativa land races naturally occur so your possibilities are endless.


Ahh Good to find a Kababayan here. If I'm not mistaken, Ading is an Ilocano word, no? Are you based in Hawaii? I know that it's mostly Ilocanos there.

Yup, Asia is booming right now. Anyway, he's going with my idea of putting up a net cafe and a computer parts accessories store to get the ball rolling. I planning to do something with the land but I'll have to take some courses first. So the land wouldn't be touched for a while, just makes it perfect for what I'm planning lol. I've decided that I won't risk it and just get some seeds either from contacts that go in and out of Malaysia or grow some of the local stuff. If only that latter possible, I figured that the best thing for me to do is stop by Manila, have one of my cousins accompany me head for Bagiou where they say the "good stuff" comes from. Take some of them seeds and take the long trip home aboard a ship. Security would be less strict that way.


Well-Known Member
go to there you can do research to find the strain that best suits your environment. there are tools there that will help tell you your exact climate and all that good stuff. it might take a while to figure it all out. but just keep clicking around till you figure it out and good luck.

^Do this right here.
dude! im filipino and i am growing now! if you want some seeds i can hook you up im in laguna and planting here is amazing.. all i can say is OUTDOOR PERPETUAL HARVEST! i have plants from seedling - vegetative - flowering! all i can say is buy locally here and if there are seeds just plant them it is their local environment and growing would be a lot easier..