Nice setup but poor humanity


Well-Known Member
Am guessing so. Theres 1 x 100m intake RVK fan going and the 250mm taking air out.

Am guessing I need to take more air into the room so the room fills with humid air and vent not as often.

The 250MM fan is going flat out to keep temps down
Gibbs if you have your box semi sealed you don't need intake unless that is what you are using to cool you me it sounds like you have too much air exchange thus low also say you have a why do you need to fill with humid air from outside??Unless I misunderstood you should have your fogger on always exhaust in and out off....only when humidity gets too high you should exhaust, if your box is semi sealed then when you exhaust turns on that will create negative air pressure and suck in fresh air from your intake with no fan needed......


Well-Known Member
Oh and what temps in your box.....and are your lights air cooled.....another thing that could be drying out your box is high temps with too much air exchange......


Active Member
Gibbs if you have your box semi sealed you don't need intake unless that is what you are using to cool you me it sounds like you have too much air exchange thus low also say you have a why do you need to fill with humid air from outside??Unless I misunderstood you should have your fogger on always exhaust in and out off....only when humidity gets too high you should exhaust, if your box is semi sealed then when you exhaust turns on that will create negative air pressure and suck in fresh air from your intake with no fan needed......
the fogger was bought to bring the humidity but its doing nout so I must have too much air exchange. Once i dial down on the exhaust out the room gets far to warm. way warm. box wouldnt be 100% semi sealed air tight mind you. I guess with the number of lights Ill need cooltubes to cool them alone