NGG ---RIU PartyCup Showdown Throwdown 2011**12/12 from seed


New Member
*that was just speaking in-general :) ..its still a WTF.. tho.. haha j/k cranky
haha im not cranky oh u mean cranker i think he is offline
im doing great though but wonder why someone would have a bad attitude to a my friend yes i said my friend and he resembles that remark too;-)

im sure u dont think it was cool for him to respond like that ?
i was shocked


New Member
This post has been reported to Potroast. If you want to ignore the rules and play dirty, get ready to roll in it.
i was going to tell u the same
it has been reported by several but about your comment to a member
but tell me what grounds u report me show me what i posted here tonite to break a rule im standing up for members from harrasment sorry that it is from a mod though thought they knew better


New Member
"...but wonder why someone would have a bad attitude to a my friend yes i said my friend and he resembles that remark too

im sure u dont think it was cool for him to respond like that ?
i was shocked"
dude pleazzzzzzzzzzzzz lets not air this in forum


Well-Known Member
"...but wonder why someone would have a bad attitude to a my friend yes i said my friend and he resembles that remark too

im sure u dont think it was cool for him to respond like that ?
i was shocked"
No need to call me a ass man why you starting the name calling i thought you were a mod aren't there rules against personal attacks?


New Member
I see LOTS of things you've said that are out of line, but this is about me. I did not call anyone a lazy ass. This is what I said: " ...It's really cool when you come across some lazy ass too sorry to Google something." If you have a command of the English language you know that "lazy ass" does not refer to anyone in this thread; it is a generic. I posted a link for a very cool search engine called Let Me Google That For You for SlimJim. Maybe you should read more carefully, or better yet, go police your own section.
im just a member on this thread
i dont have to police my thread and i dont think u do


New Member
READ the damn post. I did NOT call you a lazy ass. READ the post SlimJim; I was posting a link to a search engine. READ the post.
as i said u called him a lazy ass go google dont back peddle now
best just to walk away now before feelings here get hurt and things said that shouldnt be and bickering is distracting


Well-Known Member
You can't read simple, plain English and you're unfit to be a moderator. I've wasted enough of my time on this. The other mods can see for themselves. At least they can READ.
Again with the personal attacks why? And the giving forum members commands i will not read your post nor do i care what you have to say. Im not breaking any forum rules you are and your suppose to be a mod right.


Active Member
ok ppl im down to 1 entry. i couldnt help myself it was screaming for a bigger pot. but i still have the winner on deck so dont worry. no clones, no cuttings none of that cheating stuff others are doing. just a well loved vegging plant. no signs of sex yet on this one so i may have to shoot it later. be glad i just increased your chances of winning by 50%... thank me later:peace:

oh and to onyone interested my older plant that was in the cab just went into darkness. so dank... so damn dank



Active Member
pistols are coming on my partcups white hairs are flairing out..
nice brother. i origionally intended to do a 12/12 from seed plant so thats how i got into this. im still doing it but i want 1 huge cola! but dont worry i still have 1 cup in the comp. i know you thought u had the win untill you heard i was still in.:weed: