NGG ---RIU PartyCup Showdown Throwdown 2011**12/12 from seed


Legal Moderator, Esq.
nice carny's. Not gonna quote that cuz I'm too lazy to take the pics out but do you have them in your grow room?


Legal Moderator, Esq.
Why the hell did the 'tude have such shitty UFO's during their promo. Pissed me off. I wanna get some headband kush and some pineapple chunk.


Well-Known Member
nice carny's. Not gonna quote that cuz I'm too lazy to take the pics out but do you have them in your grow room?
nah, they have their own seperate area to grow. I just grow them as a hobby :)

here are some venus flytraps pitcher plants and dews i have in my outdoor bog garden



Well-Known Member
Why the hell did the 'tude have such shitty UFO's during their promo. Pissed me off. I wanna get some headband kush and some pineapple chunk.
Complaining about free stuff.... I'm going to hate seeing you complain after your loss! BWAHAHAHAHAHA


Legal Moderator, Esq.
excuses, excuses! If I had a dollar for every excuse you came up with, I would have a seed order like kevs!
Not an excuse, I actually set up a whole grow cabinet for this. I said I'm keeping the shit seeds in it I'm just not putting in the effort I was planning on putting in.

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
hahahaha cool ill post up some pics a bit later, sunday was pretty good, i thought i killed my skywalker accidentally bumped it brushing some dirt away from it and it came out of its home. I put it back in and this morning its grown some more. I modified the light mounts for my box so i can get another six to eight inches of clearance for nug =) mmm yesh its on a poppin now, just waiting for the rest of my seeds to germ up. Damn bubba takin forever and those were the ones i thought woulda popped already. this thread goes so fast i dont even bother reading what i missed anymore just let me know if something good goes down lol


Active Member
seed hit the coco today!
got 5 to crack outa cheap bag seeds
not bad out of 7

post pics when they break the tops

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
still havent got to takin those pics, no more seed action either, and im still worried about the skywalker, tomorrow will tell me. Who wants to place bets on how well my stuff is going to flower if i dont get computer fans and run all 4 bulbs per side lol, its 110* after 4 hours of running with 4 bulbs, I really need some computer fans lol anyone wanna donate?