NGG ---RIU PartyCup Showdown Throwdown 2011**12/12 from seed

im sure that shit comes in waves. i was told all you could find in cali few years ago was kush. hundreds of names tacke din front of the word kush cuz people salivated over the concept that kush was marketed and pushed as.
I know ,

just some people here are like ( rep me and ill rep you back )

I really dont care who gives rep to who and for what reason , i just seen this one person get banned a while back for doing that rep me and ill rep you back

Rep away all you want , it was just a friendly heads up my man

** ;)

im sure that shit comes in waves. i was told all you could find in cali few years ago was kush. hundreds of names tacke din front of the word kush cuz people salivated over the concept that kush was marketed and pushed as.

yea thats whats still going on myles everything is OG and then they add kush to the end for good measure just for kicks, no one has grown any decent anything as far as im concerned since like 1998 in cali besides OG and honestly that shit gets old. SOOOOOOOO old. Somone please start pumpin out packs of non OG dank for cali please. lol
yea thats whats still going on myles everything is OG and then they add kush to the end for good measure just for kicks, no one has grown any decent anything as far as im concerned since like 1998 in cali besides OG and honestly that shit gets old. SOOOOOOOO old. Somone please start pumpin out packs of non OG dank for cali please. lol

**sheesh.. its coming.. muahaha ;)
i do but i go dry sometimes and im tired of buyin up all the crap.. why do i have to be the only one to want to grow dank lol

DAMN U ... someone else care too...
i do but i go dry sometimes and im tired of buyin up all the crap.. why do i have to be the only one to want to grow dank lol

DAMN U ... someone else care too...

does betty white complain when shes dry? i certainly hope not or she'd always be a cunt!!!! hahahaha
indeed i will sir ;) hey heres another fun fact for you guys,

OG IS NOT A KUSH NEVER HAS BEEN NEVER WILL BE, ITS A HYBRID, A SATIVA DOMINANT HYBRID, THERE IS ONLY ONE OG, DIABLO OG IS NOT OG!!! ABUSIVE OG IS NOT OG!! Im on a fuckin rant right now im so fuckin tired of people and OG, i mean shit if your gonna go on and on about something please at least know the true genetic background and not tell me theres fuckin fifty different kinds of OG cuz theres fuckin not. No matter how bad you want to believe it. You ever been to a dispensarie and they tell u OG is indica? WELL THEY ARE FUCKIN WRONG OR FUCKIN LYING TO YOU!!! Og is overrated, yes its bomb, yes it gets me fuckin faded in a good way. Have i had stronger shit hell to the mother fuck yes, have i had stronger better tasting shit, hell to the fuck yes, will i ever stop growing OG because of this? Hell to the fuck no, OG has its place but im tired of it gettin played up as the holy fuckin grail, and im fuckin tired of all you fuckin newbs trying to pass off shit as OG that just isnt fuckin OG. Dont tell me its DIablo OG or ill tell you your full of shit, if you tell me its diablo, i just might buy it. BUT I CANT FUCKIN STAND IT WHEN PEOPLE TELL ME THEY HAVE OG WITH A FUCKIN NAME IN FRONT OF IT!! I just wanna yell at em you fuckin idiot its not fuckin OG goddamnit....

/off soapbox

sorry guys had to get that out lol
i think people are just calling their plants what they were told the strains are, like right now i'm growing seeds from dna that they're calling og#18xskunk, don't bitch at us small time growers bitch at the seed banks
check my thread for update on my cups i transplanted. and to love bud, i just feel strongly about this and its sad to see so many people calling things they really aren't break the chain of misinformation whether the breeder calls it OG or not. Find out whats actually in it do some serious research. I know what you mean though when a breeder says they used OG you have to kind of assume it was the real deal. But most of the time its sadly not the case. Someone on this forum who will remain unamed as they are not present in this thread mentioned to me they would like to see a conservatory of such for cannabis. So would i, i love history and i love cannabis and it would be lovely to have a museum dedicated to growing all strains old and new and giving full and complete background on them to the general public to keep the memory of strains current and past alive and well. Sadly as long as this misinformation continues the gene pool that we have to work with will become more and more unknown and we will begin to lose sight of the origins of this plant. We are so close as it is it saddens me. So if im a bit of an ass in trying to break the chain of misinformation forgive me its an issue i feel strongly on.

So for now

and for the purp fiends, got ya covered ;)


I am a sucker for the purps hehehehe
no Guts Grower, nice looking plants man, too bad you let them get rootbound they could of given you a higher yield.

if you think NGG's girl is rootbound, take a look at this shit...:-?

the buku bush was feeding good, but looking a little weepy, and not putting on pounds like i'd hoped, the only thing it could be was IMHO rootbound, so i popped the cup today, sliced off a bunch of rootmass, re-aerated the rootmass, and popped her back into a DIY custo-made airpot..

let's see if she picks up some steam to the finish!!!


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HAX we can alter our rootball, damn i shoulda asked about this at the begining of the contest, i was told no transplant so i thought that meant retransplant into the same cup as well. I woulda lopped off a gang of roots and repotted lol. Too late now i already re potted into gallon pots HAHAHA oh well. Its ok my super secret ebb party cup setup wasnt ready this year, but it will be next year, running off a 600w plasma

me>all of you lol

On a side note, no one said you couldnt have roots comn out the bottom of your cup and since the contest is almost over...

Ill give up a hint, lol should turned the party cups into "net" pots and popped em on a covered ebb and flow table your growin a party cup but your roots can continue to grow out of the cup becuase of the cover.

hopefully this post gets buried and you all forget before next year so i can pwn you all lol.

nice fuckin root porn man
..uhmmmm... sorry.. but i do believe that containing the rootmass within the cup was a requirement... i'm a hydro guy, and i would have gone hydro using the party cup as a netpot if i didn't read it here... it's just too obvious...

but, maybe i'm just high, or i'm thinking of another party cup challenge that i'm currently involved in..

if.. re-potting is against the rules.. i'll concede.. i did.. if altering rootmass is against the rules, again, i'll forfeit... i did it..

not to cheat, but to provide me the best opportunity with what i believed the rules to be..

if i've stretched the rules too far... all is fair game.. kick me.. i'll up-pot and get a better yield...

this is one of the girls tonight...


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i concede im a stoner maybe my brain blanked on it or i didnt read it... i woulda done it this time but i wasnt set up for it small scale. We shall see, ill wait for NGG to tell me what it was its too many pages to search thru
lol no one was accusing you of cheating havent you seen the thread pages and pages of shit talking, lol just a lil razzing man, your fine lol. I was just giving you a hard time because my brain was too tired to think of lopping off my roots and i got tired of fuckin with my air cup so i up potted into my smart pots and jumped contest sir ;) your fine.

Stretchin the rules as far as possible is part of the fun of this lil challenge keep it up man ;)

..uhmmmm... sorry.. but i do believe that containing the rootmass within the cup was a requirement... i'm a hydro guy, and i would have gone hydro using the party cup as a netpot if i didn't read it here... it's just too obvious...

but, maybe i'm just high, or i'm thinking of another party cup challenge that i'm currently involved in..

if.. re-potting is against the rules.. i'll concede.. i did.. if altering rootmass is against the rules, again, i'll forfeit... i did it..

not to cheat, but to provide me the best opportunity with what i believed the rules to be..

if i've stretched the rules too far... all is fair game.. kick me.. i'll up-pot and get a better yield...

this is one of the girls tonight...