NFTG. Nectar For The Gods

just got a question for anyone that uses the bloom Khaos and Zeus juice don't you ever get like a gunk at the top of your soil but then it goes away after a few feeding just wondering. Thanks :3
just got a question for anyone that uses the bloom Khaos and Zeus juice don't you ever get like a gunk at the top of your soil but then it goes away after a few feeding just wondering. Thanks :3

bone gum ? I never experience that just using BK and Zeus ...
thats normal then .... SLF 100 helps to keep it down if you have any , bokashi does help ....or if you got none of those .. scratch the surface ....
Yes, I get this from time to time too, I scratch the surface when I water or just rub it gently with my fingers and it's fine...
negative on great white ..... great white is for the roots... gro-koshi works well .... teas help .....
I put a top dress layer of barley straw and water right through keeps the topsoil consistantly moist so the biology crushes the gum buildup. Plus barley straw slowly breaks down and releases chitin, enzymes and protozoa. And when I sprinkle on Bokashi it colonized rapidly and sticks around longer due to the maintained moisture of the topsoil. Havnt had to scratch or dig ever since!!
I put a top dress layer of barley straw and water right through keeps the topsoil consistantly moist so the biology crushes the gum buildup. Plus barley straw slowly breaks down and releases chitin, enzymes and protozoa. And when I sprinkle on Bokashi it colonized rapidly and sticks around longer due to the maintained moisture of the topsoil. Havnt had to scratch or dig ever since!!

I've been tempted to go that route just haven't had the chance dress ? not just any straw ? has to be barley straw ?...
I've been tempted to go that route just haven't had the chance dress ? not just any straw ? has to be barley straw ?...
all straw has those same properties I believe.....just stay away from the bulk bricks that have "tacky" substance applied to keep in place. I add the straw mid transition after I apply EWC, BE-1, BOKASHI....after a couple days the fuzz is prolific under the straw, and sticks around forever so long as I don't let it dry out. Then through bloom, the little layer of gum that is even noticeable remains fuzzy.....constantly getting digested!!
well thank lord I have ph testing liquid bc my ph meter broke rip
Best purchase I ever made was getting the blue lab ph and ppm meters. I went through countless $20-40 ph pens that aren't accurate and usually fail in 2-3 months. I prolly purchased the cheap pens enough to get 2 sets of Blue Lab kits....I really want to spring for the truncheon, but not necessary because the blue lab pens I'm using now are full proof and just keep reading perfect #'s. I keep them clean and calibrate whenever they start reading slow, which is rare and once addressed they act like their brand new. The amounts we feed, the texture of the feed, the slurries, etc...all take a toll on meters, you can have the entire NFTG line, CO2, perfect environment and VPD, high end lighting and if you can't take accurate readings its all for nothing!!
I've been tempted to go that route just haven't had the chance dress ? not just any straw ? has to be barley straw ?...
another thing that I just noticed is that the soil mites in my soil have really been at work at breaking the gum down
Hey unrelated thought - I've still got this one big tall girls with lanky leaves that are curling down at the tips. Could this also be a sign of pushing too fast with the nutes? Thanks! That's the only thing different I can think of - this girl looks pretty sensitive to me... No necrosis or anything, just curled tips...
Hey unrelated thought - I've still got this one big tall girls with lanky leaves that are curling down at the tips. Could this also be a sign of pushing too fast with the nutes? Thanks! That's the only thing different I can think of - this girl looks pretty sensitive to me... No necrosis or anything, just curled tips...
what have u been feeding per gallon I try not to go over double the recommended amount so for herculean I try to use 2tbs to 4tbs depending if I use bloom Khaos Also depends on what stage there in
Hey unrelated thought - I've still got this one big tall girls with lanky leaves that are curling down at the tips. Could this also be a sign of pushing too fast with the nutes? Thanks! That's the only thing different I can think of - this girl looks pretty sensitive to me... No necrosis or anything, just curled tips...
really need a slurry to tell if it's lockout from over feeding or underfed. Could be a soil ph thing, lots of variables but curled tips are calcium deficient and if your soil not in range then mutes aren't being taken up. Really need a slurry or just hit them hard with herc & only.
Yoo Irie Root thanks for the bible link man!! After a few weeks of research and scouring the link you gave me, Im ready to give her a go. I have the whole line plus some FullPower and SLF. Running #4 soil. I think Im going to stick to the sample pack regimen, dial that in then add everything else as needed. Just popped some Top Dawg NYC Chem 2.0 and Thug Pugg PBB!!
Yoo Irie Root thanks for the bible link man!! After a few weeks of research and scouring the link you gave me, Im ready to give her a go. I have the whole line plus some FullPower and SLF. Running #4 soil. I think Im going to stick to the sample pack regimen, dial that in then add everything else as needed. Just popped some Top Dawg NYC Chem 2.0 and Thug Pugg PBB!!
just make sure you get gallons of herc at a time you go thru the shit
Yoo Irie Root thanks for the bible link man!! After a few weeks of research and scouring the link you gave me, Im ready to give her a go. I have the whole line plus some FullPower and SLF. Running #4 soil. I think Im going to stick to the sample pack regimen, dial that in then add everything else as needed. Just popped some Top Dawg NYC Chem 2.0 and Thug Pugg PBB!!
That's awesome man, and some quality genetics. I learned the line very similar. Ran the Greek regimen and used the other additives on Nectar Tea days. Its fun, very hands on and produces top shelf flowers. Use the bible, this forum and email Scott for any question or concern and pop them beans!!
Yoo Irie Root thanks for the bible link man!! After a few weeks of research and scouring the link you gave me, Im ready to give her a go. I have the whole line plus some FullPower and SLF. Running #4 soil. I think Im going to stick to the sample pack regimen, dial that in then add everything else as needed. Just popped some Top Dawg NYC Chem 2.0 and Thug Pugg PBB!!

Thug pug can be touchy with feed ... ful power is good for foliar , when cloning I use it to help with it while its building roots , or after a transplant .. #4 soil , has a ph around 7.0 and a low ppm which is good for a seedling or young plant but should start a light feed right away ... Just got a sample of max microbe and playing with it , as far as tea days , cultured , photo plus , fish shit , ..... been playing with ACCT brewing bu blend , EWC , bokashi and using Neptune fish and molasses and watching the ph and ppm ... had ph start at 7.6 and at 48 hours had a ph of 4.1 all awhile watching the ph from start to the 48 hour mark .. now ill take that tea and mix in fresh water to dilute the strength ... with ph at 4.1 it made the mix at a ph of 6.5 ... im still messing with it and learning ..the idea ph I would like it to be is a 6.8-7.0 ... but I added the tea to a "test" plant and she seems to love it ... also added it to my out door garden and they seem to love it .. I have a tomato plant already producing fruit and its 3 foot tall....
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