From what I get out of it is new transplants into #4 soil with fox farm nutes. And to add to what bubba mentioned about the ph of Ocean forest running lower than nectar buffer, that's the whole "dialing it in" part I was talking about. Your going to have to figure out the best feed ph of the fox farm when the #4 soil is going to want to buffer to 6.8-7.0 as the media dries. You can check with fox farm to see what ph the nutes are most available at and ask what's the highest ph before they become plant unavailable. Or just experiment on your own to see what ph window works best. The whole thing with Nectar nutes is they go into the plant attached to calcium, which is best absorbed from 6.4-6.8, while salt based nutrients usually top out around 6.5 on the high side in soil. This is why #4 soil buffers to higher ph than most soil mixes, to work with the nectar line. I say use what you have, try to order a Sample kit of nectar, and like bubba said, ask any questions you might have. If you nail down a good ph range and don't over feed with the fox farm, I think you can get results. SLURRIES will be your best friend, don't go by your runoff ph!! Good luck and let us know how it goes.