NFL Lockout


Well-Known Member
Not only do players make a killing these days but the unproven rookies who get paid MILLIONS without ever stepping foot on the field is disgusting. Look at the D.Russell for the Raiders and Ryan Leaf for the Chargers, two of the biggest busts of all time but they're making a good living (well except for that dumbfuck Russell who is getting foreclosed on) and they never proved a damn thing!

The owners SHOULD be making bank, that's what they are in it for, for business and profit. The players are there to fucking play!!!! STFU players and get your asses on the field, players are nothing but pawns for the owners. I wish the owners would do what they did in that movie The Replacements and just hire a bunch of nobodies to play for scraps.

Fuck both sides, both are greedy bastards but I have to side with the owners, the players are there to play.

lol is the players not getting paid enough what the replacements is based on?I remember seeing commercials for it awhile ago and it looked funny.
The owners would never do that because the big names like vick,manning and brady get them way more viewers.


Well-Known Member
what round yall think cam newton will go in?
I actually think he could slip into the 2nd because of all the drama surrounding him.


Well-Known Member
Looks like there might not be an NFL 2011 season because the owners AND players are greedy mother fuckers.

At least the Chargers won't get a chance to break my heart again...:-(
you haven't ever played competitive sports have you???....i did in highschool and played NCAA in college and a season takes a HUGE toll on your body...

they deserve more of the HUGE amount of money the league makes off of them screwing their bodies up......


Well-Known Member
The salaries is why you cant afford to buy tickets or go to the consesion stands to buy a coke with out takeing out a loan...........fuck em.................bring in the cheap players and ppl will love it..............and get a good crowd if they could afford to go to the games..........noting but a bunch of felons ...yea thats what children look up too.........hey lets go watch my hero kill some dogs...........


Well-Known Member
There will be a season.So much money would be lost if there wasn't,they wont allow it.

Atleast there better be one lol,vicks getting old and we need that super bowl
we would also save alot of money as a country, no more keeping the stadiums lit up and cleaned, no more paying billions and billions to all the players,coaches,trainers ect......
i think it would all even out in the end, truth fully the nfl is like all the other sports now, they are getting lame IMO. i love football, but now it just seems like to many rules, to many complaints, pretty soon it will be to hand touch.
sports now days are getting old. something needs to change


New Member
they deserve more of the HUGE amount of money the league makes off of them screwing their bodies up......
Lets not pretend that a majority of the players would have office jobs had it not been for the NFL.


Well-Known Member
a stadium that seats oh I dont know say around 4000 side rednecks other side drag the middle guns..............good luck and may Joe Piscapo have mercy on you.