Next Generation Feminized Seeds Turned Male!!!

You heard it right--Next Generation has shitty breeding practices and apparently NO quality control. Out of the 2 Dynamite feminized plants in this grow--I'm ~1 1/2 weeks into flower--1 is a straight up male!!! That's right, not a hermi, a male!!!

I knew they had shady business practices (ripping people off through their Green Life Seeds site), but I thought that if I ordered their seeds through seed banks I'd be OK--not so lucky. This little fuck up just cost me ~1/2 Lb. (I grow "tree" style, and yield ~ 8oz./plant)--that's over $2,000 worth of product!

To say I'm pissed is an understatement.




Well-Known Member
man that sucks, its like sticking your hand in a bag full of pussies and end up grabing a dick
Yeah, it does suck, but I just have take this on the chin and move on. I'm just trying to save others the heart ache. The problem is, Next Generation's quality is very hit-and-miss, so sometimes you get gold, other times shit!



Well-Known Member
with the full male you might have got the 1%, nobody guarantees 100% female it`s 99%. I`m not trying to be a smart ass but have you ever heard that you shouldn`t count your chickens before your eggs hatch. wow! over $4000 an lb that's good to hear.:roll::roll:

Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
Dispensary Prices^^....

Why the hell you gonna waste money on "Feminized" seeds?

You get way more with a regular pack, and if you ever wanna breed you have that option...
I'm sorry, but if you're not buying autos feminized seeds are BS.


Well-Known Member
buy regular seeds that way a female is a female. but really you couldn't tell from the pre-flowers? you should have been able to tell long before flower growing tree style I'm assuming you veg long usually I can tell at least by 4 weeks I think a few hazes took me a little longer. You should really try out some real seed get yourself some true experience not just taking the easy way out. not too mention all the best breeders at least for the most part only sell regulars some of them sell a few fems though cause some won't do regs. I don't even consider any fem breeders breeders myself but 5 others will come on and say how great they.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
You heard it right--Next Generation has shitty breeding practices and apparently NO quality control. Out of the 2 Dynamite feminized plants in this grow--I'm ~1 1/2 weeks into flower--1 is a straight up male!!! That's right, not a hermi, a male!!!

I knew they had shady business practices (ripping people off through their Green Life Seeds site), but I thought that if I ordered their seeds through seed banks I'd be OK--not so lucky. This little fuck up just cost me ~1/2 Lb. (I grow "tree" style, and yield ~ 8oz./plant)--that's over $2,000 worth of product!

To say I'm pissed is an understatement.


Swung past your profile and pretty much EVERY post is exclusively bashing this one seed company. HHhhmmmmmmmmm.....
First off, I know what has worked for me for YEARS--I don't need dumbass advise to use regular seeds. If I wanted to use regular seeds I would have done it years ago. This has never been a problem until now. Second, Next Generation IS sketchy; everyone knows they rip people off through their web site. Mad Hamish is apparently a little "challenged". I have a total of a whopping 10 posts. The 1 thread I started here to warn people of my experiences, and a couple of posts in ANOTHER PERSON'S thread about the shitty quality of Next Generation's gear--and a couple of other posts from way back I assume. Finally, no I couldn't tell from any pre-flowers. Not all plants pre-flower, at least not unambiguously. Look around the great inter-web, you'll see lots of good as well as shitty reviews of Next Generation--that's my point, poor quality control and breeding practices leading to hit-and-miss results. I too used to LOVE next generation. I've grown both their Grape God and Dynamite before--and both were excellent! This time, the surviving female Dynamite looks very different from other grows; much taller, with thinner more sativa like foliage. Dynamite in the past has always been a VERY consistent plant: very squat, dark green, large indica leaves. Next Generation's breeding has gone to hell. This happens to a lot of companies, they get greedy and sloppy. Bud


Well-Known Member
I've done fems for yrs and never had one straight up male on me,i have had a few hermie on me and regs that hermied as well not many ,and found fems faster 90 day growing without transplanting and room but unfortunately its gotten where places now sell hermie seeds strait up.i'm doin regs atm but will do fems again depending on strain about these guys, I was gonna do their ny purple diesel,puting that off.thanx for sharing.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
I've done fems for yrs and never had one straight up male on me,i have had a few hermie on me and regs that hermied as well not many ,and found fems faster 90 day growing without transplanting and room but unfortunately its gotten where places now sell hermie seeds strait up.i'm doin regs atm but will do fems again depending on strain about these guys, I was gonna do their ny purple diesel,puting that off.thanx for sharing.
I still trust Soma's fems but he's taking the piss with his prices. I love his NYCD but at what he's charging I am happily exploring other options.

rookie 2

Active Member
i placed an order at www. next gen. seeds for a 10 pack of sweet island skunk, regular, on july 31st. i have heard nothing and cannot find a way to reach them. i wonder if they have any intention of filling the order. i did get a confirmation directly after ordering. any info please.. thinking about putting a stop on credit card. THANKS

stoned cold

Active Member
Same exact experience with this company and their seeds. Never had a problem with any other seed company. Purchased feminized seeds. Vegged them and and put them into flower straight up males. costing me time, money, and medicine. Contacted the company several times with no response back. Spread the word Next generation/Green Life seeds are garbage!!


Well-Known Member
I'm finishing their dynamite right now. I chopped 1 down still have 3 to go. They all grew out pretty similar size and look. 1 of them finished about a week faster than the others. Lots of huge dark green fan leaves beautiful look and smell. Dense buds and not a single problem. It has rained almost everyday this growing season and no mold or any other probs. I'm growing from reg seed.


Well-Known Member
The 2 guys bashing it above have both 4 and 1 posts, I know I have no better postwise but I do picwise.

My romulan diesel from them (from 2012). A lot more citrusy than piney, top notch bag appeal and better tasting than potent (maybe there is better phenos for potency) but still good none the less. I popped 8 fem beans altogether and had 1 herm up, that's it, the rest was relatively the same.



New Member
Yea, I don't normally give a shit about post count, but the fact that those guys, or that ONE with low post count guy bashing this seed company raises a red flag with me.


Well-Known Member
Ive never had problems with fem seeds from reputable breeders. Some people loke to honk their horn even if its a shitty little horn...


Bought a single fem Grape God from NG on the tude a while back. Hands down the worst stain I have purchased. Hermed 4 weeks in. Could have been environmental factors(light period, temp fluctuations, over/under watering). Through my experiences of my own and fellow growers, these have a definite impact on unstable fem strains. Kinda disappointing cuz I received a clone of Grapefruit Diesel from a friend that was killer, great aroma and potency.


Well-Known Member
I know I don't have many post here but I got a 5 pack of Romulan regular seeds. I grew three to maturity out of those three one was a true female and the other two hermies at the pre-flowering stage. I tend to agree with the poster that Next Generation have something wrong with their genetics/breeding.

However the true female was the strongest strain I have ever personally grown, with a good yield of 8oz. Definitely a keeper but I don't make clones. So I made a few of my own crosses with a bagseed male and I have for some seeds for next season.

Basically I was happy with what I got and I would even consider Next Generation again but I would definitely be keeping an eye out for herm's with that strain.