next big trend?


Well-Known Member
With all the avaible resources and info on the net and the publication media on weed and gowing weed in movies and shows makes me wonder if this is the next big trend. I see more new ppl popping up on here and other sites as well as ppl I know personaly that r doing this. I'm wondering if growing weed will be the next big trend like poker was 3 yrs ago. What do u guys think will be the next big trend?


bud bootlegger
i definitely see an increase in pot smoking in general than i did say about 2o years or so ago... and with the price of some ganja being as crazy expensive as it is, i can see a real boom in indoor grows in the near future.
i hope that this is true as i would love to see so much weed being grown everywhere that the government starts to see how useless that the war on drugs really is....


Well-Known Member
Agreed but it being illgeal alows it for us to make $. if every1 grew, we'de have no1 to sell it to, leaving us to resort to smuggling it which is much riskier


bud bootlegger
i dont see it ever getting to the point that every single person would haave a grow, because as you said, it is illegal, and this fact turns a lot of people off to growing... i don't ever see every person who smokes growing... even though smoking is illegal, growing is much riskier... i don't think it would ever get to the point that growers will not have someone to sell to.. good pot practically sells itself, lol...
it would be nice to regular people who don't grow if a lot more people started to grow as i think it would drop the prices quite a bit.. not the best thing for growers, but good for the smokers of the world..


Well-Known Member
Well I didn't mean every smoker would grow and ya it would drop prices as there would be many sellers aswell as shops. But ya, there will always be ppl to sell it to jus not for as much and there would be alota competion


bud bootlegger
yupper i agree.. but i don't honestly know how big growing will ever become.. along with the fact that it is illegal, you kinda have to have a clue as to what you are doing... anyone can go out and buy all of the top notch equipment that money can buy, but that doesn't mean that it will ever be succesfull... i have seen this guy on here who said he bought like a 100k setup and all of his plants were either dead or dying.. i think that having a green thumb goes along way, maybe even more so that having all of the best and newest stuff on the market..
for example, i have had a vegetable garden for many years and learned about plants and how to take care of them and what their wants and needs were long before i even tried germing my first mj seed, and i think it went a long way towards my mj grows....


Well-Known Member
to be honest i sure hope it dosent cuz in the wrong hands......there could be a lot of shitty pot around


Well-Known Member
thats a good point. i cant stand it that people grow shitty weed and just plain dont care it all about the money they make, lol, their is no reason a bud should be badly seeded, that sort of shit drives me nuts, how hard is it to pull males?


Well-Known Member
Weed isn't a trend. It's outlasted steam engines, the middle ages, polio, and theblack death.

It's not going NOWHERE!