News - the federal government will not interfere in marijuana legalization within...

Ummmm...ok. Do you not live in America and understand how much precedence this sets? The federal government just came out and admitted that they will respect the 10th Amendment to the US Constitution and you can't see how this is a 'big deal'? WOW!

Grow up junior and learn how the country and federal government work in relation to the States and perhaps you'll then understand how paramount this actually is. We were all young at one point so I don't fault you for that but do try and understand the situation prior to passing on judgment that diminishes the relevance of this monumental moment to those whom are informed.

You do know that there are conflicting state and federal laws all the time. This isn't the biggest deal at all. Its a good step but not an earth shattering precedence.
It's a start. Somehow reminds me of when the administration had Biden say he was OK with gays while the top poop said nothing. Testing the ice, maybe. Also a reaction to that Sanjay Goupta deal
I'd wager not soon, but at least decrim. Quit destroying lives over a joint. Seems like that could be done at the fed level somehow.
Yeah, that's just making some small group look pretty fucking stupid. Putting adorable sick Kids on TV convulsing while the mom is crying and then being cured with this oil really make somebody look fucking stupid
Well thats a start, but I almost would think that then they could track all of your business earnings. It would however make things a lot safer for dispensaries to not have to be cash only donations.

So the Tax Man is getting his cut now? Guys, you can now officially relax. Once the tax man is in on it, you are protected. There is no higher authority than the revenue service, they make the bucks to fund everything far as government goes. You think the tax man will let go of any revenue stream once it's in his hands? NO frigging way, EVER.
Ummmm...ok. Do you not live in America and understand how much precedence this sets? The federal government just came out and admitted that they will respect the 10th Amendment to the US Constitution and you can't see how this is a 'big deal'? WOW!

Grow up junior and learn how the country and federal government work in relation to the States and perhaps you'll then understand how paramount this actually is. We were all young at one point so I don't fault you for that but do try and understand the situation prior to passing on judgment that diminishes the relevance of this monumental moment to those whom are informed.

This is not precedent. The statement is important, but does not have the force of law behind it. No laws have been changed and no new ones enacted. Current law can continue to be enforced. Federal prosecutors can and will overreach. Congress will fall in line soon enough, and till then we can be glad that the administration is ahead of Congress. In any event, the government is backing away from the issue.
We can't blame the ignorant for being uninformed / misinformed. We just have to deal with them... :)
Illinois passed a bill for medical marijuana its effective 1-1-14 Wisconsin on the other hand is probably going to be one of the last considering our officials don't give two shits about the people