Newest Polling Data


Well-Known Member
h...make no mistake Ron Paul is doing very well ...
ronald is the only candidate with a last place finish and the only candidate without a win. he will rack up another last place finish tomorrow and is polling last place nationally.

how is that describable as "doing very well"?


Well-Known Member
pretty sure the neocons came up with the Rasmuseen polling so I really wouldn't count them lol...Mit Romney winning Nevada gimme a break. Also the Maine is way off, Ron Paul is definitely going to take Maine unless it is rigged. Also why are some of the next states intentionally left out of here?
scientific polling is a conspiracy?

and nevada, which borders utah, is quite clearly going to romney.

you crazy, mon.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
what is the source for these polls anyway?
Real clear politics. They take the results of all the major scientific polls and average them out.

I don't think they really mean much tbh the polls are only really accurate up until the day of the election. I don't think anyone can beat Obama but I think Ron Paul stands the best chance. The south doesn't like mitt, the north doesn't like newt. Ron Paul has a large liberal and independent following and young people which is what won the election for Obama so I think Ron Paul is the only one that can win. Dr Paul is also the only one that really even differs significantly on certain issues and he has the support of both OWS and Tea Party.
You can think whatever you want, but the people when asked the question of "who do you want to be president" are choosing Obama over any of the republicans.

It might be a long shot for Dr Paul to win but I think only him or some kind of 3rd party miracle in Gary Johnson can beat Obama.
Ron Paul has only three delegates right now and is not polling high enough in any state to improve on that. In a couple of weeks it will be a mathematical impossibility. As of right now, Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich would both need to get struck by lightening in order for him to even have a chance, even then he'd be trailing Santorum in all likelihood.

I am really not looking forward to Obama vs Romney debates, will they just argue about who tortures and kills better? idk? Who will make a better police state (Rubber Bullets Vs Tear gas?)? They pretty much agree on everything so it would be pretty lame.
Those debates will be about the needs of the American people Vs the right to profiteer by the wealthy elites. I look forward to it.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
What? No polls for Minnesota?
I had left Minnesota out because there were no polls recent enough to be meaningful. A new one came out today.


Newt 36%
Romney 18%
Santorum 17%
Paul 13%

I'm actually surprised by this and Nevada. I figured those two states are his only real chances left for Ron Paul to win states. Seeing him polling last is not a good sign. Well it is for me, just not for you.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
pretty sure the neocons came up with the Rasmuseen polling so I really wouldn't count them lol...Mit Romney winning Nevada gimme a break. Also the Maine is way off, Ron Paul is definitely going to take Maine unless it is rigged. Also why are some of the next states intentionally left out of here?
I agree with you about Maine. It's not recent enough to be accurate.

Nevada seems pretty consistent, a two way race between Newt and Romney.


Active Member
I would love to take the bet but I don't gamble. That would be irresponsible of me. I believe he will do really well though. No other candidates have been in Maine to campaign


Well-Known Member
Gingrich campaign to cede Nevada and Michigan to Romney. If he doesn't do well in FL I bet he drops out. Plus there's that pesky tidbit Pelosi claims to have lol


Well-Known Member
Gingrich campaign to cede Nevada and Michigan to Romney. If he doesn't do well in FL I bet he drops out. Plus there's that pesky tidbit Pelosi claims to have lol
i love the way she dangles that bait....

you just know it has to be something epic. perhaps video footage of newt making love to a turtle?

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
lol @ previous post. Here is a very interesting article:
"Ron Paul is likely to win more delegates to the 2012 GOP convention than either Newt Gingrich or Rick Santorum this week. Wait. What? That's why he campaigned in Maine this weekend."
Even with the potential extra 6 delegates he may get, he'll still be in last place or a very very distant 3rd.


Well-Known Member
i love the way she dangles that bait....

you just know it has to be something epic. perhaps video footage of newt making love to a turtle?
Damn that Pelosi, she should just air the dirty laundry now!!

This is like waiting for the video of snooki getting punched to hit youtube... suspense is killing me..