Newby needs advice for yellowing leaves in veg-thinking nitro deficiency?

We are almost at week 8 since we've taken the girls outside (still in veg and 7 different strains) and have recently lost my mentor! They were transplanted in super soil (we added some bat guano, peruvian seabird and mycorrizhae in 20 gal pots) and this week the leaves are really starting to yellow from the bottom up. I also sprayed them with neem 2 weeks ago...

I've given them some calmag but it's not helping. Not sure what I should give them?! Should I try to address a nitrogen deficiency (I think that's what it is) or start giving nutrients as the soil might be low on the good stuff? It's been dry here in Michigan and I'm watering almost daily. Thanks in advance for any advice you can give.

