Newby Grower with Cfl Question Anybody Help?


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this is a reply to a private message from tafbang in reguards to my lights being to close I asked why do you think my light s are too close he wrote back sayin "
Re: what do you mean

the burns....

I wrote
those burns are from when it had not light didnt purchase the light bulbs until three days ago they have only been under the lights for three days what had happened I think is that I had originally had them outside but then the rain decided to come back so I brought them inside where they stayed with out light for two days also I had collected some rain water an poured it into the containers but dum me I forgot that the dam rain water here right now is radioactive thanks to the dam japan nucular incident so thats what the burn that you see is comeing from I pretty sure as you can tell from the original photo to the most recent one were all the new growth is nice a dark green so I think what you are seeing is a combination of no light and bad rain water make any sense to you what do you think?

What do you wonderful pople out in cyber land think
hell its all about learning from each others mistakes right



Active Member
yes and no there was no.the was no light burn because all the damge happened berfore I even had a light it was the lights that saved my grow all that damage was from have'n no lights and being outside in very cold temps just fyi were all here to learn, and a wise man learns from his mistakes, and a wiser man learns from other people mistakes, here is an update to my ill plant here is a photo taken about fifteen minuts ago.100_0781.jpghows it lookin now?



Yehman their looking alot better I thought they would be ok :leaf: just as we were saying the new leaves are fine.

Heres a few pics of mine shes into week 4 flowering, I acc burnt a few of the tips of the top leaves it grew realy quick 1 night and when I came in the morning they were touching the light! glad its just a CFL otherwise I think the thing would have burnt to the ground lol. Theres not as much bud as I thought but hopefully over the next few weeks it will bloom. Gonna get some Canna PK 13/14 for the last few weeks to give it a boost, the CFL's dont give off much heat so think thats stunted the bud growth a bit aswell so stuck a 100w incandescent in with it for some extra light and warmth. Its not looking too bad I suppose but next grow will be loads better Il get 4 of them 65w CFL's 2 blue 2 red, proper white sheeting and bang her 3 sisters in. learned so much just from this 1 plant. Post some more pics of yours when you can m8 :clap:


Active Member
sweet man looking so good, bet it's gonna taste even better, 4 weeks already is it not a trip to see how fast these plants grow. wow, but I guess seeing how they only have a year life and can grow to 22 feet explains alot, your almost there and will have quality meds grown by you in no time, that has got to be such a great feeling keep up the good work, and as far as mine here are some pics, they are twenty days old today check me out talking like a proud father.100_0799.jpg100_0800.jpg100_0801.jpg


Look how healthy they look m8 you've done a great job in reviving them, makes me laugh reading them other peoples comments now haha. Is yours a Sativa strain? I want my next grow to start off bushy like that because the 100W incandescent bulb I used stretched this poor madam like an elastic band lol its nearly 6Ft, but I wont make that mistake next time Il aim to start them off like yours if I can. Well done you should be proud.


Active Member
thank you so much you rock as well to be honost, They all were from a bag of mexican swag I picked up, so they all started from seeds and to be honost I think thats all I am going to do, not sure if I am going to do the whole clone thing, unless I find one that is just a dank fast growing little bitch. I think this is how I am going to do it all the time.
step one germinate in paper towel and plate
step two place into cups and place them in a warm spot for the remainder of the day
step three place them out side in the sun and leave them out side for mabey one week I do move them out in the morining and in at night some say this is bad because it can hurt them I say I dont want no cry babies only the strong survive, to me doing this only makes them stronger.
step four bring them in and place them under cfls until there about four weeks old
step five transfer them into biggerpots and place them under a 250 watt mh light
step five when they get big enough switch those bitches to a 600 watt hps on 12/2 to make them flower
step six flush but a long flush I dont want no cracles I want white ashes
step seven dry and cure
step eight smoke smoke smoke smoke choke sleep then smoke some more

as far as phenotypes I am not sure seeing that these seeds were from mexican swag I think they originaly were indica/sativa indica dominat but hard to tell,
but I think I have two hybrids, one indca and one sativa all from the same bag but I guess you can not have four of the same twins they have to differ some how right?


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there are growing so fast now it is so un-real right now my camera has no battery power, soI am unble to take and post any pictures so I will post the progress of them later. They are still deep green but now they have my dam house starting to smell like skunk ville im lovin it. so catch the updated photos tommarow, how yours coming along, it's almost time to pull the bong out.


Active Member
100_0814.jpgSo here is the up date to my babies so far I have been given them this getto fert I purchased from my local nursery that uses three differ100_0812.jpgent type of fert's. They will be transplanted in the next two days into 5 gal pots and will be placed under a 600 watt dimmable HID light where 100_0813.jpgI will use it at 300 watt for mh and slowly ramp it up to 600 watt hps light up dates will follow so far check out the new growth nice a green. 100_0811.jpg


Coooollllll they look like little Bonzai tree's lol nice 1 looking very healthy and thick stems. They're gonna be beauty's :-)

Heres a few of mine latley, Ive sampled a few buds already to be honest and it knocked my head off lol think its because all the chemicals are still in the plant aswell, harsh though but thats what to expect if you pickin it fresh without drying it properly. To be honest I just want this 1 down so I can put the other 3 in with a proper little setup Ive planned cant wait. Sorry havent been on for a bit m8.


Just using some Canna PK 13/14 since its 3 weeks before harvest, not going to leave the whole 10 weeks its too long and I want to get the others in and theres honestly no more room now as its hitting the light about 6Ft!


Active Member
Those bitches are lookin good and tasty. What exactly are they? from the photos they look to be sativas? I just transplanted my babies into large 5 gal containers and have given them there first dose of all organic fert,the wonderful Earth Juice and there loving it.I will post pics tomarrow, just real busy today but keep up the good work cant wait to see the final product.


Its just 1 Bulldog White Widow (mainly sativa) for now until I put the other 3 in and do them properly cant wait. Yeh Im gonna get some nice big pots for mine its quite small the 1 its in at the moment lol god knows how it got to 6ft in it. Speak soon bud.


Active Member
100_0833.jpgYeah from the picture you can tell that there sativa's, it got to be six feet tall because of 100_0835.jpgit being a sativa that is what they are known for, being tall and hard to grow inside. You should be stoked, because you are about to acomplish 100_0834.jpgwhat many people can not do, grow sativas inside successfully. any way boss here are the photos of my girls after a succesful transplant. enjoy 100_0832.jpg



Hows it going m8? havent been on here for a while... Ive chopped her down m8 should have left her for another 2 weeks at least but got a bit greedy and had smoked about quater of her while she was still growing lol def wont do it on the next 1 though just getting the room properly kitted out now for the next 1 , got some massive pots, proper lighting and homemade shade ( looks wicked lol ), gonna kit the room out with some refective sheeting. Took 2 clones from her just to experiment with as Ive never tried it before, need them under a light really but just got them on the window shelf in the sun so wel see how they do. Hows urs bro I bet they're massive now?? :eyesmoke:


Active Member
Sweet fuckin sweet. Bet your in high heaven right now. Me I am ten days away from my bitches being two months old. I have recently built a light rack100_0867.jpgand I am currently deciding weather or not to flower yet. I have purchased a 600 watt dimmable ballest and a mh and hps light all for a total of 350 us dollars. here is a picture of my bitches and of my light. 100_0873.jpg100_0915.jpg I must say that the hardest thing for me was doing something to block the lights and this is what I came up with, the only thing is it is a bitch to put on and take off every day because it is ten feet wide by twenty-five feet long what a bitch.100_0913.jpg Any way till the next time keep in touch and grow grow grow. Were you able to take some clones from your girl before you chop it down.


Hi m8 you honestly have a creative mind like me when it comes to making things lol, they're looking great though I must say. I turned mine after only 1 month. I took 2 clones as I got some rooting Gel again to experiment with, 1 died and 1 seems to be staying healthy but not sure if theresin any roots yet. Im doing a video diary for my next grow aswell as pictures but doesnt have an option to upload from your computer for the videos, theyve sprouted and are a few days old, properly setup this time in my little secret cupboard. I took that other 1 down way to early and ruined it by taking buds off when I didnt have any lol. Speak soon m8.
SD531531.jpgSD531532.jpgSD531516.jpg I made the light shade myself, has 2 B22 attachments for the bulbs, also used reflective diamond mirror sheeting on the shade and surrounding areas. Ive got 1 105w Blue CFL and Ive got another 65w Red CFL (about 850w equvililent) for when I start flowering. Got a good feeling about this 1 want at least an Oz of each 1 :) Got some massive pots aswell.


Active Member
That fin shit looks like it is going to be the heavy weight champ. Great job on using such creativity, I think you should be able to pull more than an OZ off each one no prob.
Mine at this moment I think are ready to going into flowering, I just want to make sure that they are fully mature. The biggest one is now 26 inches, second is 21 inches, Third is 18.5 inches and last but not least is 17.5 inches. They today are now two months old, What do you think buddy, should I start the flowering process or wait a little longer? At what point did you start to flower?


Wow man I bet urs are massive now!! I turned mine after only 1 month m8 sooner you turn them sooner you find out which are the ladys, its been playing on your mind for 2 months bruv dont wait ANY LONGER LOL. Heres my babies 2 weeks old, another 2 weeks and Im turning them and yehman Im hoping for at least 1 Oz off each 1. They are growing 100 times better using CFL than the previous stretched lady, pots are massive lol I did say to myself Im gonna do it properly so did and Im not going to take any samples off these ladies.


Active Member
Looking good and with time it will only get better. I am turning them tomorrow, for sure. Here are some more pics, I still can not believe that it was only yesterday they were still tiny.100_0984.jpg100_0977.jpg100_0985.jpg100_0979.jpg
I will continue to post updates periodically.


Hows it going Bruv how is everything?? have you seen any pistils appearing yet? I had to turn mine early because the twat of a neighbour upstairs washing machine flooded my kitchen out all over my grow coming through the ceiling! had to turn the electric off so just thought id turn them lol only 2 weeks 7 days old and 6 days into flowering now. Pic from today and Ive got a Journal going have a quick look if you get a mo.
SNV33640.jpgThey're getting a bit big now think Im running out of room haha didnt realise they were going to bush out so much compared to the last 1 I did.