Newby Grower with Cfl Question Anybody Help?


Active Member
Recently I have decided to grow my own meds I have been growing outdoors here in Los Angeles but recently it has been cold and raining, My question is I have acquired two cfls at 27 watts each equals 100 watts each of light but I have a clamp lamp that is 8.5" and i want to place both bulbs in with a y my problem is that when i put them in the bulbs aare touching the sides of the steel lamp is this a problem do i need a bigger lamp or the fact that the lights are touching the sides of the lamps will not affect it. Sorry for the newby questions this is my very first grow they are twelve days old now and i have given them nothing but water.


Well-Known Member
do you mean the bulbs are coming in contact with your reflector when the you have them plugged into a y-socket? if so thats fine dont worry about it. when we refer to cfl wattage we dont consider the incandescent equivalent, the only figure we're interested in is the true wattage.


Recently I have decided to grow my own meds I have been growing outdoors here in Los Angeles but recently it has been cold and raining, My question is I have acquired two cfls at 27 watts each equals 100 watts each of light but I have a clamp lamp that is 8.5" and i want to place both bulbs in with a y my problem is that when i put them in the bulbs aare touching the sides of the steel lamp is this a problem do i need a bigger lamp or the fact that the lights are touching the sides of the lamps will not affect it. Sorry for the newby questions this is my very first grow they are twelve days old now and i have given them nothing but water.
Hi just get yourself a 65W (Blue for veg) CFL from Ebay it has the equivalent of a 325W bulb and is only £10.99, im growing my Bulldog white widow under a (red for flower) 65W 1 now and its doing great, turned it about 3 weeks ago. Its also my first experiment/grow with a single plant from feminized seed. Going to put another 3 in after this 1 comes down in about 7 weeks. I still cant figure out how to upload images onto this website dont know why they've made it so difficult.


Active Member
Sweet as for images there is an icon on top that says insert image then brose for the one you want then it will ask you to select files etc not to hard just find that button up top next to insert link and insert video


Sweet as for images there is an icon on top that says insert image then brose for the one you want then it will ask you to select files etc not to hard just find that button up top next to insert link and insert video
but its says to enter the url? I havent got a website with the image on my computer they are just stored in a folder.??:sad:


Active Member
it will give you two options one for on this copmputer and one for url you wnat the one that says on this computer


Active Member
so does any one have any idea why my plants are looking like that are they ok or are they in dire need of salvation?


it will give you two options one for on this cpmputer and one for url you want the one, use the one that says on this your computer
Damm Googlechrome it is useless sometimes, it was only giving me the 1 option for URL so used IE instead works fine now lol thanks for that. Heres a few pics of mine 3 weeks into flower, took 2 weeks to start showing pistils with this strain.
I started feeding mine about 3 weeks into veg, and to be honest I had it under a 100w normal household lamp until about a week ago when I got the CFL makes a difference :leaf:


so does any one have any idea why my plants are looking like that are they ok or are they in dire need of salvation?
What PH is your water and soil? and whats the temp of the room? the only thing I can think of that they would be lacking is the light, temp and PH levels


Active Member
water is 6.8 soil is 7.0 still have not feed them anything just plain water. pertnerm your grow is looking good no shit you started with incondecents and you got them to this stage great fin job man keep it up. we should start some tread were every one really helps each other you know posts pics and every one helps get a group of people to hlp each other but your grow is dope and dope it acutally is


water is 6.8 soil is 7.0 still have not feed them anything just plain water. pertnerm your grow is looking good no shit you started with incondecents and you got them to this stage great fin job man keep it up. we should start some tread were every one really helps each other you know posts pics and every one helps get a group of people to hlp each other but your grow is dope and dope it acutally is
Thanks m8 appreciate the comments, I used Miracle grow potting soil which has a PH of 6.5 and I always make sure the PH of my water is 6.0 using a light cycle 20/4. Is your 12 days old from sprout or seed? Il help you anyway I can m8


Active Member
they are from bagseed unfortunatly I am not able to purchase more than i have right now and the whole idea of growing is to supply my self with free meds because the dam prices are outrageous.


Yeh I understand m8 I used to do that, just the thought of having a seed that could sprout was enough of a buzz to start doing it lol I would honestly say they will be fine the only thing is having to wait to see if any of them are actually females and your not going to know this until about 1 half - 2 weeks into flower, just ended up parting with £35 for 5 feminized White Widow seeds ( only got 4 in the packet though) . I turned mine after only 1 month because it was so tall from it stretching towards the normal light.


Active Member
yes by all means thank you so much man I do plan on purchasing some seeds but seeing how this is my very first grow I figured i would start with these bag seeds i found that came from stuff that real put me on my butt and if i kill them then hey no biggy but I will not let these babies die I am a proud father, a marijuana worrier,and I wont let them see the light on the other side they will not go quitely into the night, any way thanks bro. I feels so comforting to have some one who is fairly new to this telling me is ok I couldnt fell more confident thanks seriousl not being sarcastic.


No probs m8 your more than welcome, it took quite a bit of trial and error and a fair bit of research to be able to get this lady up and going and it kills me the thought of having to chop her down in 7 weeks lol but shes got another 3 sisters so it isnt that bad. Yehman youl be fine just keep the ph levels correct and when you start feeding do it in very small doses to slowly introduce it to the plants. I use Canna Coco A+B together throughout veg and flower.


Well-Known Member
your water is no good (or soil) if that's all you've given them, can you collect rainwater seeing as your getting lot's ?
I can't see you growing any longer unless you get this resolved real soon