Well-Known Member
those are looking damn good shotty fer realz
NEWB's Own First Harvest!!
114 days ago, I knew nothing about growing. 114 days ago I didn't really know how nutes worked, I didnt understand grow lights, I didnt know what to do with the DWC I built. 114 days ago I didn't know anything about growing.
It was a long haul, with the delay in veg with a few 'learning curves' but it was soooo satisfying to cut everything down, and just see nothing but BUD.
We set up shop, layed out paper, and watch's Net's recomendation, "The Business of Getting High" (RECOMMEND)
It was time to chop two of the three girls (Sway and Jane)
But.... CRAPOLA!!! I was a little too high and a little two chop-happy and before I knew it I accidently chopped Fox's (the third girl I was leaving for awhile longer) main stalk clear off!!!!!
Everything, chopped, trimmed, and piled up...
Sway still was the fattest
Jane's was still the frostiest...
Fox's still need to grow a bit more :-/...
All-in-all... not the biggest yield by any means... but one thing is for sure, it is QUALITY. Already I'm getting a whiff of that pure AK-47 love... the smell took me back to when I was smoking their momma LOL.
I had many issues, from veg, to hermies, a bit of root-rot or nute lockout (not sure)... many things to learn from and improve on... get ready for the Sequel coming in a couple weeks....!!!!!! Blackberry X G13 (most likely)
U going stick to setup or go with a 400
I want to go up to 400, not sure when though... wont be next grow. Work's been slow, money tight, thank god Bush is out... I will suppliment more/better CFLs though...if someone hasnt said it yet legggo my eggooo u need more light for sure. I would get a 400 like the gentlemen above me mentioned