Newbies on RIU and young people.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Yeah, i agree....not to be an ass, but kids shouldn't be on here.
what if you(generalizing all women not just you...) were some 15 year old looking for older men, then us guys would be in trouble... 25+please 18 year olds still live at home these days, risking their parents without a care=stupid. I was told by a teacher once, "there are no stupid questions...but you're stupid if you believe me". Lesson learned there are stupid questions.

When I disappeared from the site a few months back summer was here and there was a new thread every hour on almost every forum on RIU asking about "heat sensing choppers". You obviously have a computer google it, if not join the already started thread and stop being an attention hog.....

glad i vented


Well-Known Member
to be able to put a z and make a word " dumb down " , dont u have to able to spell correctly in the first place.... And by not answering there question do u feel better ?

Or dont u know the answer..... If ya know share ya knowledge...

* Asking about heat is totally fine because there are so many diffrent type's of ways to cool ........ So whats so newb about that... ? *

What soil to buy... Well thats a great question..... What would u buy.. ?

*Would someone please teach me, why i think there are many ppl that are willing to teach someone.... It's fun *


But i hear ya.... Whatever ;)

FBI Freeze

Active Member
So what is everyones pet peeves on here? Personally I am finding myself getting really frustrated with the sheer number of atrociously spelled posts / questions.

How come it seems like 8 out of 10 newbies on here write so poorly and can't take the few seconds to see that their post is underlined in red almost everywhere before posting.

Instead of using S they use z everywhere, I honestly don't even answer such poorly spelled threads anymore. Good newbies hammer the Faq and then ask specific questions and are quickly very knowledgeable. Half of these people can't spell, and wonder why their seedling is stretched to crap under a CFL...

Sorry just needed to rant, I am a newbie also but I really view this as underlying problem affecting mostly our young. MSN and the internet are great as long as you respect our language still and don't dumb yourself down in the process of using them.
I've been reading through these forums and as a general rule 8/10 posts are "txt speak" or just badly spelled.
I don't know if it's the type of people that are attracted to growing which causes this or what.
I'm reading through grow journals and the replies are perplexing. I know the information is in the posts that I need, I just can't for the life of me understand them.

So yeah...

Also, the underlining in red only happens in firefox (Not working on my install for some reason) so maybe they're using IE..


Well-Known Member
I actually have been showing up less and less here, because the IQ of some of the post seem to lower every 30 minutes. Also when you have been here a while, those new guys post the same thread that has been done thirty billion times.


Active Member
I actually have been showing up less and less here, because the IQ of some of the post seem to lower every 30 minutes. Also when you have been here a while, those new guys post the same thread that has been done thirty billion times.
Well duh.... you think us stoners just TALK about bein stoned?

ya'll are hypocrits anyways... when your stoned out your mind what ya gonna do... search around for hours and hours or ask someone who'll give you an answer in 30 minutes or less?

do you people forget this is a pot site, or do you just forget what happens to you when you get increasingly stoned every 30 minutes?

Besides, i personally know nothing about growing so when i read a grow log or something, i don't understand the slang and the lingo that growers use, i don't know what those 3 letter abbreviations mean for christ sake.... so what else could i do but ask a stupid question that you so called pro (other word is arrogant) growers have heard a million times????

btw i don't, and have no intention of, growing my own, i'm just using myself as an example.

Ya'll forget you were new users at one point too, and also knew jack about growing weed.



Well-Known Member
haha it bugs me even on texting on the phones. I type my words out.. maybe use 'b' for be. or 'u' for you, but besides that i type out the words. As for on here, i try my best to use my best spelling. It simply bugs me that kids will use z for s.. when it takes the same amount of time to use both of them.. wtf?


Well-Known Member
Well duh.... you think us stoners just TALK about bein stoned?

ya'll are hypocrits anyways... when your stoned out your mind what ya gonna do... search around for hours and hours or ask someone who'll give you an answer in 30 minutes or less?

do you people forget this is a pot site, or do you just forget what happens to you when you get increasingly stoned every 30 minutes?

Besides, i personally know nothing about growing so when i read a grow log or something, i don't understand the slang and the lingo that growers use, i don't know what those 3 letter abbreviations mean for christ sake.... so what else could i do but ask a stupid question that you so called pro (other word is arrogant) growers have heard a million times????

btw i don't, and have no intention of, growing my own, i'm just using myself as an example.

Ya'll forget you were new users at one point too, and also knew jack about growing weed.

I have read the same million question in a month of joining this website, I hate to say it bud, I guess the fact of the matter is the current education system is failing many of these youths since they don't enjoy reading and can't write worth a shit. It isn't arrogance when a simple search would answer their question. It is pure laziness on their behalf and the fact you are an apologist for laziness makes me wonder where in the gap you fit. I am lucky I was born just as technology really took off in homes.

Not sure why you would have to search for hours and hours, learn to use a index and find the cannabis grow bible, or use the search feature. I read the cannabis bible in 4 hours while high on LSD and pot. I am sure many of the kiddies would be able to finish it in roughly the same time since I am not an exceptional reader and was on multiple drugs.

Give a man a fish he eats for a day, teach a man to fish you feed him for a life time...

I guess I can't expect everyone to agree but just funny that anyone would make an excuse for being lazy.


Well-Known Member
fuck spelling i hate people always asking the same ? cant they search?

plus inf you make a new post mank shure you put a tab on it so when people search they will find your post.

i mikss spelled a few words just for you

So what is everyones pet peeves on here? Personally I am finding myself getting really frustrated with the sheer number of atrociously spelled posts / questions.

How come it seems like 8 out of 10 newbies on here write so poorly and can't take the few seconds to see that their post is underlined in red almost everywhere before posting.

Instead of using S they use z everywhere, I honestly don't even answer such poorly spelled threads anymore. Good newbies hammer the Faq and then ask specific questions and are quickly very knowledgeable. Half of these people can't spell, and wonder why their seedling is stretched to crap under a CFL...

Sorry just needed to rant, I am a newbie also but I really view this as underlying problem affecting mostly our young. MSN and the internet are great as long as you respect our language still and don't dumb yourself down in the process of using them.


Well-Known Member
I have found that the search function does not correct spelling errors (who'da thunk?). So, I have to figure out the vast and myriad misspellings for a particular term, which is actually rather difficult for me. :lol:


Well-Known Member
I think its funny that the person who created this thread and most of the posters on this thread are noobs themselves
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Well-Known Member
I think its funny that the person who created this thread and most of the posters on this thread are noobs themselves

:mrgreen::blsmoke: we all r thats what i was thinking like... lol and your the king.. but hey he's allowed to vent but one must know when he's noob ^^ :blsmoke::peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
lol it's not kids and noobs it's young/dumb Brits, that's the way some of them type. Def. still idiotic though hahaha. Oh and I'm not ragging on brits I love you guys :peace::blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I think a lot of this is the age, not that they can't spell.
I have seen this spelling many times in my house. It is my teenager. I know he is capable of spelling, I believe it to be a teen thing.

Yes, we see this alot too!


Well-Known Member
lol it's not kids and noobs it's young/dumb Brits, that's the way some of them type. Def. still idiotic though hahaha. Oh and I'm not ragging on brits I love you guys :peace::blsmoke:

Now why are you being a dumb ass and saying it's just the British people that type like shit?

I think you will find it's mostly American gangster wannabes "dat typ3 lyk dizz.."

Would you believe most of the people on here are, oh you guessed it..

AMERICAN! :-|:-|:-|


I love you really......:neutral: