NEWBIES NEED HELP? smokinHerbOnDaCurb has all ansers!!!!!


Well-Known Member
what are thebest kind ofcfl the ones u can buy at wal mart like the 100 watts
Ansered your question in your messages but i dont think the cfls come in 100 watts just get mutiple big ones. theres a cfl that probably gives off 30-40 wats but is = to100+ watts this or biiger should be fine remember more than one of the gun....per plant.


Well-Known Member
25th day slower,WR serious seeds temp 24c night 21c humidity 48%-40,600w hps ,got this showing on the lower leaves what kind of deficiency could it be


Active Member
If you was to pick a strain to grow in a stadium grow with very good light intensity which would it be, and why? for most yield etc

When growing and stadium grow which technique is better, going for huge colas or spacing the pots out abit more and going for bushy plants.


Active Member
one more:

My friend uses 300ml of canna A and 300ml of canna B in a 200 litre wate butt, but it says on the pack of the canna tubs use 40ml per 10 litre of water, so instead of using 800ml of each he only uses 300. He says this is what works best, anymore and you will get nute burn, i didnt want to question him as im still learning, but is this about right for growing weed or should he defo be upping the doeses


Active Member
Hi stoner. I am a first time grower and if this is the wrong place to ask a question i am sorry cause i didn't know where to ask. I am growing 18 females in a small closet trying (sog). I started all my plants from seed under 12/12 method. I have 2 female afghans and about 10 or so unknown plants grown from seeds the seedbank sent. The other 6 or so are from 2 different bagseed. I know i have a big variety of strains but i should learn something at least. I am just starting week 6 from seed. The earliest flowering plants are about 3 1/2 weeks into flower while some are only 2 weeks into flower. The plants look pretty decent but maybe a bit slow but they have no trichomes at all that i can see. I have a heat problem as the daytime 12 hours sometimes the heat hits about 100 degrees f. Usually not for long at quite that high but mabye a 95 average in daytime. At nighttime the temps are from 72-80f. Without trichomes this far along is my weed just no good and i might as well start over. They sure look good and especially the supposedly afghan but no trichs yet. Am i hopeless on this first grow...redneckbubba


Well-Known Member
one more:

My friend uses 300ml of canna A and 300ml of canna B in a 200 litre wate butt, but it says on the pack of the canna tubs use 40ml per 10 litre of water, so instead of using 800ml of each he only uses 300. He says this is what works best, anymore and you will get nute burn, i didnt want to question him as im still learning, but is this about right for growing weed or should he defo be upping the doeses
Most of the time the strength on the box (directions) is usually too strong for marijuana. Your freind has experiance go with it a plant can grow with out nutrits but it cant grow faster with too much nutrients so dont over do it. ...Oh and bushy plants some times grow higher yeilds but the huge colas are worth the pictures.


Well-Known Member
panta in case if you hadnt seen your profile yet. It looks like a good dose of nute burn stop feeding and flush with some water for a week or two.[/QUOTE

i did burn my plants before and it always reflects on the uper part of the plant,this started down,my nutes are 15-40-15 and a little bit of molasses and some superdrive


Active Member
Well, since the a-holes in chat thought i was like a cop or something i'm gonna get at you on the forums. I want to start growing on a personal level and i was hoping you could give me a basic walkthrough w/ lighting,nutrients and techniques tht could help a mega nube like myself.



Active Member
hokayyyy... so my plants have mites ans aphids. which is really shitty and why there was brown spots on some of the leafs. im fucking pissed at these bugs tho, cause i moved 3 to a seperate box to flower a few early and now their on these 3 too. its shitty. i just wanted to share that with you smokin, just to give you alittle update =]