NEWBIES NEED HELP? smokinHerbOnDaCurb has all ansers!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Heres one for you

Im thinking of introducing a co2 setup in my room. The room im thinking of setting it up in is 7msq. How much would i on average have to refill the co2 bottles from veg to harvest. How often do you introduce co2, in veg and flowering etc

Thanks dude
Here is a cheaper method get an old gallon and fill it 1/4 way with water 1 packet of active dry yeast
And add 1/2 a cup of sugar. Just shake to produce a burst of co2. Oh yeah poke a hole in teh caps small one. Cover when shake. and replace every 2-3 weeks.


Well-Known Member
oh yeah release a burst of co2 2-3 times a day this shoud be enough when co2 is releasing put close to the plants. The heat reacting with yeast and sugar will release co2 all the time just shake for a instant burst.


Active Member
hey smokin,
I'd like to know if anyone has ever been raided ordering seeds from nirvana?


New Member
i have some baby seedlings right now on my wiondow will..the problem is I only have a few cfls to veg with for rite now!! they are the "red" how bad are those 4 vegging??i know i should use the daylite cfl's with am i str8 2 use the ones i have..theyr a couple 26w with 1 "brilliant" white 42w....the cunt seedlings r in a cardboard box with mylar on all will the bastards veg nicely even with these warm cfl's>>thanks dude!! woooooeeeww


Well-Known Member
6outlaw;2111123]i have some baby seedlings right now on my wiondow will..the problem is I only have a few cfls to veg with for rite now!! they are the "red" how bad are those 4 vegging??i know i should use the daylite cfl's with am i str8 2 use the ones i have..theyr a couple 26w with 1 "brilliant" white 42w....the cunt seedlings r in a cardboard box with mylar on all will the bastards veg nicely even with these warm cfl's>>thanks dude!! woooooeeeww[/QUOTE]they will veg but you should use cool bulbs just go get some theyre cheap. the red ones are for flowerin. I would get a couple just in case but for the time being just use natural light and make up time with the red ones but the cooler ones are better.


Active Member
dude how much better wopuld you say they are..will the plants grow alot slower with the red cfl's...

well, plants love the blue spectrum through veg and perfer red mostly in flowering. just to help you out abit.
full spectrum bulbs are loved by plants because they use all spectrums (some in lesser portions than others) besides green, because thats the light that plants give out.

hope i could help abit.


Active Member
okkkkay... another question.
ive noticed some flying bugs from time to time in my garden.
this only happens when i move the pots around, so its when i disrupt their home when they fly about.
ive only seen 5or6 of them so far. im thinking that they are aphids. which would really suck. but i havnt seen any signs of them attacking my plants yet, im still going to get a spray for them.
is there anything reccommended?

and if its not aphids like i think it could be, what other flying bug could it be?
rule out whiteflys tho, its def. not them.

thannnnks <3


Well-Known Member
thanks man. Im going with sour d,lr2,and afgan kush, I hope those are mold and pest resistant.Ill spray em with the ff bug spray, and keep an eye open


Well-Known Member
what up master grower!
i want to get the best out of my 2 plants left og 4, they have been in flower for 30 to 45 days and the trics are cloudy with some turning amber, best time to pull for slam me meds. plop on couch and veg.
choc. chunk and a bubba , the bubba seems behind the chunk which will harvest first i think. day or night, morning or noon. i would think that when the sun is out the plant is active, and lights off sleeps, so when to pull. i have my next batch of sprouts growning and want to get them under the m.h. lighting.
need any info ask!
answer this? no help for me!


Well-Known Member
okkkkay... another question.
ive noticed some flying bugs from time to time in my garden.
this only happens when i move the pots around, so its when i disrupt their home when they fly about.
ive only seen 5or6 of them so far. im thinking that they are aphids. which would really suck. but i havnt seen any signs of them attacking my plants yet, im still going to get a spray for them.
is there anything reccommended?

and if its not aphids like i think it could be, what other flying bug could it be?
rule out whiteflys tho, its def. not them.

thannnnks <3
In florida there are a bunch of pest dont get an insectacide it will make your bud poisonuos in a bad way. Look on the net for a natural bug repelent like (not for sure if this is the recipie just makin an exaple) cayenne pepper and water just lokk on the net there are natural ways.


Well-Known Member
thanks man. Im going with sour d,lr2,and afgan kush, I hope those are mold and pest resistant.Ill spray em with the ff bug spray, and keep an eye open
try to find a natural way to repellpest on the net so those nasty chemicals in a insectaside dont end up in your buds then in your lungs.