NEWBIES Meet the SEARCH button.. This is how you USE it!


Well-Known Member
i feel ur pain.but feel mine ,as a complete novice of course im going to ask questions.if you dont like,dont read or respond.and yes i try to research b4,but it seems theres always varied opinions on like any smart minded indivual,you sift and gleem whats best and easy to understand for peace and happy toking fellas:weed:
No prob. but keep the newbie style posts in the newbie forum.
But on the same turn, asking a Q that is in the first page or two already = lazy.

Asking a Q already posted with varying replies, with hopes of a unified response is, well, kinda dumb/pipe dream? (kinda shows that there is more then one way to skin a cat, if ya want a naked cat)

People are asking "will this LED flashlight work?" in the advanced forums (exaggeration, but the gist is there)


Well-Known Member
No prob. but keep the newbie style posts in the newbie forum.
But on the same turn, asking a Q that is in the first page or two already = lazy.

Asking a Q already posted with varying replies, with hopes of a unified response is, well, kinda dumb/pipe dream? (kinda shows that there is more then one way to skin a cat, if ya want a naked cat)

People are asking "will this LED flashlight work?" in the advanced forums (exaggeration, but the gist is there)
you my friend are a dick.i only wish that someday im as smart as you,then again id proably be bitter and lonely so i guess i dont want to be like you!!!


Well-Known Member
everyone has questions sometimes, but as BBB is saying, the majority of the questions I am talking about are things that are concrete like how to make clones, types of lighting, lighting per sq ft, plant problems, how to raise and lower ph, how much will i yield and so on.. these are the type of questions


Well-Known Member
the search button is gayer than the blonde dude from queer eye for the straight guy.. It never works for me.
Well a toilet seat won't work if you don't put it'll just piss all over the floor!

Its all about how you use it...try the advanced search.


New Member
still no worky.. try to search for posts by a member.. or by title.. Doesnt work.. "hottest girl on riu" and other threads always pop up no matter what u search for. I mean, cmon.. I DO know how to do a search jeez.Its a common know fact that this sites search feature is fucked. You have a better chance on finding a specific thread on this site by searching in google and then clicking the google link. NO SHIT.


Well-Known Member
the only part that doesnt work is looking for posts by member, read the first post, follow the outline, and it will work.. i use it all the time and i never have problems


Well-Known Member
Ok let me tell you guys something, the search button for this forum fuckin sucks.

there I said it, it fuckin sucks. Sometimes I want to find a post I made in a thread, I do advanced search, search for all posts made by "grassified" with the keyword lets says "outdoor" because I knew I said that in the post I made. It keeps saying no results. Peice of crap


Well-Known Member
again, searching for user names posts is the only thing that doesnt work... looking for topics and keywords works just fine which is what most of the noobs on this forum ask about.. same crap, cloning, yellowing, lightning, how much will i yield blah blah blah


Well-Known Member
still no worky.. try to search for posts by a member.. or by title.. Doesnt work.. "hottest girl on riu" and other threads always pop up no matter what u search for. I mean, cmon.. I DO know how to do a search jeez.Its a common know fact that this sites search feature is fucked. You have a better chance on finding a specific thread on this site by searching in google and then clicking the google link. NO SHIT.
Yeah this is my experience also. I have friends on here that say the same thing, it is more successful doing a Google search as RIU threads usually pop up first.
I have had it work a couple of times, but usually it returns nothing! I just figured it did not work like I have heard. I thought it was kinda funny when I have seen the posts telling people to use the search feature.

I am sure it works ( I am old so...) as others have said, but it sure is not user friendly or efficient.



Well-Known Member
you must remember this is a big big place , many members and many threads - be as specific as possible ( i also realised once i became elite even more opened up so at least the results are somewhat limited)
i seen the requests to get this sticky , but its a substanceless motion , coz theres already faqs , newb section and journals A PLENTY!

beauty and the uglines of the web is theres a lot of bs , google anything - you'll find twice as many falsaties as facts ( slight exageration ( maybe) ) but theres always gonna be competing chatter , its the nature of the beast.
Id recommend getting a book , jorges indoor bible , soma style organic , jack herer has a pile no? ed rosenthal . . many great minds on the subject - but even from book to book theres different preffered techniques and such .
Im still not sure where im planning to go with it all , but i love the fact theres lots of ways to try to suit ur lifestyle , how much time you can allocate per week to ur garden.

If after all that you find yourself still inquisitive, im sure everyone is more than happy to help- and if not everyone someone will so give it time
FUCK ALL YOU GUYS EAT MY ASS responses to lack of replies normally encourage more of the same - or result in pelting with rotten veg.
Hope all new members can find this place as shithot as myself!
Stay Safe


Well-Known Member
yeh that wasnt to any1 above or any1 in perticular , like 5 posts popped within the time i typed I LOVE ATHRITIS:D


Active Member
omg yeah them "how much will i yield" post are nearly as bad as them important posts like the ones where they bitch about people asking "how much will i yield"?
theyre called newbies for a reason guys! what ever happened to tokers code peace, love & unity????????????????????


Well-Known Member


justatoker, you are getting those results because you are using the default sort feature "by recent post"

so any thread that has the words you search with in it will pop up.

the search feature is only as usuful as the user is intelligent...


Well-Known Member
the search feature is only as usuful as the user is intelligent...
Play nice whippersnapper...there are folks here who are not as technically savvy as those who suckled from the breast of their mothers hard drive. Now I try my best not to pass judgment on people, with the exception of filthy swine, but some might say the same about spell check...:hug::hug::hug:



Well-Known Member
Play nice whippersnapper...there are folks here who are not as technically savvy as those who suckled from the breast of their mothers hard drive. Now I try my best not to pass judgment on people, with the exception of filthy swine, but some might say the same about spell check...:hug::hug::hug:

Sounds like a lotta wahhhhhhhhhhhh to me. I LEARNED what I have learned on my own time through my own effort. Everyone should do the same and quit being lazy, when laziness is in fact to blame....which is not ALWAYS the case.